Digging Daniel: Book Review of "The Message of Daniel" by Dale Ralph Davis

The Message of Daniel The Bible Speaks Today series Dale Ralph Davis Inter-Varsity Press IVP Book Centre Norton Street Nottingham NG7 3HR UNITED KINGDOM http://www.ivpbooks.com ISBN: 978-1-84474-801-3; £9.99 / $18.00; 2013. Reviewed by Dr. Michael Philliber for Deus Misereatur (12/24) Digging Daniel (5 stars out of 5) With a glut of printed, recorded and visualized material on prophecy, and all the hub-bub over failed end-times prognostications that has spilled into the media, another volume on a biblical prophetic book might receive a grimacing wince, or groaning incredulity. But Dale Ralph Davis’s new 176 page paperback, “The Message of Daniel” is a unique treatment of this Old Testament prophet that is devotional, homiletical, textual and thoughtful. This is part of “The Bible Speaks Today” series, and replaces the classic piece by Ronald Wallace. Davis takes the position that Daniel was written by whom it claims to be written, during the period...