A "Prep Kit" for that Unhappy Procedure - A Review

I know it's not the subject you normally bring up in decent company. But I have to have one of these about every two years because of a chronic ailment that I was diagnosed with way back in 1993 (I had symptoms long before that, likely in 1985 or earlier, but it kept getting misdiagnosed). Colonoscopy! There, I said it. Which leads me to talk about that most uncomfortable day before the procedure. Thankfully the day of the colonoscopy is more manageable because of the anesthesia. But prep day can feel like a freight train is running down into your gut and slamming - full-steam - into your intestinal tract. It's the one day I despise! But this year, my new GI doctor suggested I try "Happy Colon with Laxatives". I was skeptical. I don't want a prep-failure and thus to be forced to return in two weeks. I want it all to work this time so I don't have to do this blasted thing again for two years. So, yes, I was skeptical. But, I thought it worth it to take a gamb...