Revival and Reformation PT 10: "From Ashes to the Oil of Gladness!"

{Click this link and listen to the audio file while reading along} {If you are benefiting from my posting these sermon notes and audio files, please leave a note. Thanks, Mike} ---- Revival and Reformation Pt 10 1 Chronicles 21.1-22.1 From Ashes to the Oil of Gladness Yahweh Shalom, O LORD our peace, we come longing to hear you this day. Remove all that will keep us from hearing, and prepare us to receive your refreshing word with joyfulness and gladness of heart for Christ’s sake. Amen. David’s Drop (v.1). [ Briefly mention Insert ] After all of the success, achievements and heart-warming feats of chapters 14-20 – God drawing David close, preserving him, subduing his enemies, and the promise of building his dynasty – everything comes to a crashing, break-screeching halt in 21.1! You scratch your head and wonder, “David! How could you?!?” The Greek word normally translated as “iniquity” is anomos – no-law, without-law, lawless. And it’s where we get the word anom...