
Showing posts from September 30, 2012

Joy? Yes, Joy!

If you knew me personally, you would know that underneath this Tigger exterior is a terribly lively Eeyore (apologies to A.A. Milne for stealing his characters). That means that joy is a struggle for me. No, not the surface, happy-go-lucky kind of glad-handing. That seems to come naturally. I mean a joy that is undying, irreversible, indefeasible, and irrefragable. Therefore, years ago, while reading St. Augustine’s “Confessions” I was thrilled by something he said, and have since committed it to memory. It is an anchor that holds me down when northeasters blow a-storming into my life.   “For there is a joy which is not given to the ungodly, but to those who love you for your own sake, whose joy is you yourself. And this is the happy life: to rejoice in you, of you, for you. This is true joy and there is no other” ( Confessions 10.22).   I hand it off to you with the hopes that you will find this same joy.  “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and pea...