"Early Latin Theology" transl. and ed. by S.L. Greenslade. Quick Review

This volume, a part of the Library of Christian Classics series, has been out since 1951. It's is not an exhaustive collection of everything that these early church pastors-theologians wrote, but it gives one a good feel. There are large portions of Tertullian's "Prescriptions Against the Heretics" and "On Idolatry". Also, a significant sampling of Cyprian of Carthage's "Unity of the Catholic Church" and letters on the lapsed and baptism. Then, there are hefty samplings of Ambrose of Milan's letters dealing with the Council of Aquileia, the Altar of Victory, the battle of basilicas, and several others. Finally, Jerome arrives with letters 14, 15, 52, 107, 108, and the important 146. Each pastor-theologian receives their own introduction. And the editors give the individual works their own introductory backstory. The footnotes which give Scripture quotation references, and historical tidbits, are helpful and valuable. It's a great reso...