"The Magna Carta of Humanity" by Os Guinness. A Review

The Magna Carta of Humanity Sometimes it takes non-American eyes to see America well. Os Guinness, born in China and expelled by the Chinese Revolution in 1951, prolific author, social critic, senior fellow at the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics and founder of the Trinity Forum, has a pair of those eyes, and shares his observations regularly. His most recent survey and evaluation has come forth in his new 288-page hardback "The Magna Carta of Humanity: Sinai's Revolutionary Faith and the Future of Freedom". This densely argued dossier is a valuable excursion through history, political philosophy, economics, Bible, theology, social analysis, as well as the "is" and "ought to be". This is an adult manuscript that forms readers into citizens, and citizens into neighbors. Guinness picks up his theme from a previous work distinguishing between the French Revolution (1789) and the American War of Independence (1776). He chronicles the rise of five...