The Imprisoned, Crime Victims, and the Addicted - 11 September 2022

You who are Father of the fatherless and protector of widows, who settles the solitary in a home; leads out the prisoners to prosperity but brings the rebellious to dwell in a parched land (Psalm 68:5-6): we pray for those now in prison. So many – though not all – have come from broken homes, fatherless homes, and violent homes. It is no excuse for their criminal activities, but it causes us great concern. We pray that you will visit them with your mercy and grace that they may come to truly know you as Father of the fatherless and help of the homeless. Bring them to genuine repentance and away from jailhouse religion. We pray this especially for those presently on death row, and specifically the 42 on the death row in Oklahoma. Bless and enhance those who visit prisoners to show them better ways and the Better Way of Jesus. Those who have been jailed unjustly, we pray that their innocence will become clear as day, and they would be released and restored. O Lord, hear our praye...