Congregational Prayer - 17 August 2014 PM

We sing praises to you, LORD, and we give thanks to your holy name. For your anger is but for a moment, and your favor is for a lifetime. Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning. You have turned for us our mourning into dancing; you have loosed our sackcloth and clothed us with gladness, that our glory may sing your praise and not be silent. O LORD our God, we will give thanks to you forever! (Psalm 30.4-5, 11-12).

Lord, you are a merciful and a jealous God. Convert your and our enemies, and draw to you those that are going astray; but restrain the malicious persecutors of your Church and the willful corruptors of your truth. Bring their counsels to naught, and show that you are the Lord. Build your Church, and make her a city upon a hill, for the glory of your honor and the salvation of many (Adapted from, “Reading the Psalms with Luther,” 225)! O Lord, hear our prayer.

We beseech you on behalf of this congregation; as well as Crown Heights Baptist Church; Del Baptist; Dickson Baptist; Downtown Baptist; Draper Lake Baptist and Dumas Ave Baptist Church: along with our Reformed chaplains; JJ Kim, Roger McCay Jr, Eamon McGraw, Doug Rosander, James Bond, Yong Joung and Glenn Gresham; Almighty, ever-living God, whatever gain we once had, may we sincerely count it all as loss for the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus our Lord, that we may gain Christ, and be found in him. Grant us your strengthening aid to forsake what lies behind, strain forward to what lies ahead, and press on toward the goal for the prize of your upward call in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3.7-8, 13-14). O Lord, hear our prayer.

As the woman who had the discharge of blood for twelve years sought to touch your garment and be made well, we bring to you many who need you….May they know your healing presence and hear you say to them, “Daughter, son, your faith has made you well; go in peace, and be healed”  (Mark 5.25-34). O Lord, hear our prayer.

O God, who knows what happens in bleak places, back alleys, board rooms and broad daylight; we pray for our world filled with sorrow and sadness, pandemonium and panic – in Africa, Iraq, Syria, Israel, Ukraine, or Ferguson MO – Give peace, O Lord; give peace in our time; for kingship belongs to you, LORD, and you rule over the nations. Then may posterity serve you; so that your mighty deeds will be told to the coming generation; that they may come and proclaim your righteousness to a people yet unborn, that you have done it (Psalm 22.28-31). O Lord, hear our prayer.


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