Congregational and Pastoral Prayer - 10 August 2014 PM

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; but we will remember the name of the Lord our God. They have bowed down and fallen; but we have risen and stand upright” (Psalm 20.7-8 NKJV). We give you heartfelt thanks, our God, for you take pleasure in your people and adorn the humble with victory (Psalm 149.4); you bless the righteous, O Lord; you cover him with favor as with a shield (Psalm 5.12).

Lord, our God, who desires not the death of the wicked; convert those who hate your people without a cause, and turn the hearts of those who persecute your Christians. Protect the poor and the innocent against the oppression of unjust men. And grant your maltreated people patience under the cross, and preserve them in the true faith unto their life’s end (Adapted from, “Reading the Psalms with Luther,” 130)! O Lord, hear our prayer.

We beseech you on behalf of this congregation; as well as Covenant Life Family Worship Center; Crest View Baptist Church; Crestwood Baptist; Cross of Calvary Baptist and Crossroads Baptist Church: along with our Reformed chaplains; Chul Jeon, Ed Kim, Dan Oh, Joseph Ko, John Van Dyke, Blake Law, and Lenny Siems; Almighty God, heavenly Father; open our eyes that we may see our continual need, both for your pardoning mercy and reviving grace, and to receive Jesus Christ as the only Savior and Lord. May we trust solely in his atonement, and rely singularly on his intercession, as our only hope. Rejoicing in your free salvation, and renouncing our own righteousness, may we walk in the way of your commandments, serving you faithfully, and successfully striving against every sin (Adapted from the Reformed Episcopal Church’s 1963 Book of Common Prayer, 27). O Lord, hear our prayer.

Like the friends who brought the paralyzed man to Jesus, see our faith in you as we bring before you the sick, the sore, the soured, and the saddened,... Forgive their sins, and raise them up whole, restore them with joy, may they go forth declaring your praises (Mark 2.1-12). O Lord, hear our prayer.

O God, in whose hands are life and death; plentifulness and plague; enormity and epidemics; we implore you to shower your mercifulness on those countries presently dealing with this Ebola virus (Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leon, and Nigeria). Thank you for those who, loving their neighbors as they love themselves, have risked much to care for the infected. Protect the caregivers – restoring those already infected – and shielding those not yet infected. Grant recovery to those being cared for. Give wisdom and sensibleness to the governments, medical establishments, and peoples that they may prevent its spread and finally snuff it out. O Lord, hear our prayer.

Holy God, we appeal to you to blanket this country with your goodness that we may truly be the land of the free and home of the brave; and may your goodness restrain us, both the occupants and overseers, from evil, from being self-absorb, egotistical and from being a law unto ourselves. O Lord, hear our prayer.


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