Congregational Prayer - 7 December 2014 AM and PM

Morning Prayer:
Abba, our affectionate Father, who has given us the Spirit of Christ, who intercedes in us and through us, we pray for your World and your Church.

We pray for you to set straight all that is crooked and shattered among the nations (Syria, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Kenya, North-Central-South America, Russia, Ukraine), that people everywhere may have decent opportunities to live in peace, and your Church throughout all lands may be able to serve you in quiet joy.

Almighty God, look upon our country. We pray for the hearts and minds of the administration to be swayed toward what is most just and evenhanded. Give ear to our concerns, qualms and uncertainties about the economic, political and legislative future, and grant what is best for the good of the citizens of this land and the peace of Your Church. And Lord, may we not forget the tragic event, 73 years ago, that took the lives of so many and propelled us into the Second World War. Thank you for the many valiant people who risked much in doing their duty, and hazarded their lives for others.

We ask for you to provide protection and powerful aid to all our Law Enforcement Officers. We know that in any organization and vocation there are a few bad eggs, may they be found out before they do unreasonable harm. But for the many upon many officers, sheriffs, deputies, and marshals who tirelessly do their jobs well, honorably protecting us from the vicious and villainous, grant them success in their work, support from their citizens, and sensibleness from their superiors.

We hold up in memory all those who are travelling a hard path right now, whose minds, bodies and/or souls are feeling the unsettling forces of decay, disintegration or distress (esp. for these we pray)…pull them together in your stout and generous way and restore what needs to be mended.

We pray for the people in our lives and on our hearts who are dabbling and flirting with dangerous actions, actions that will lead them astray, as well as those already gone amiss; we also pray for those who have never repented of their sins and trusted in Christ Jesus your Son…..May it be that during this Christmas season, their hearts and peace of mind will be shaken enough to cause them to see their peril; but also that the Gospel story echoing through many of the carols and Scripture recitations will bring them to joyfully call on the name of the Lord, and be saved.

We pray for Your Church throughout the world, for these churches: as you know their needs far better than they do, we ask you to provide what they really lack, strengthen their faith in Christ and loyalty to the worldwide dominion of Christ. For this congregation we pray: may holiness and joy triumph in our everyday affairs. And in all our interactions with family, friends and foes, may we build God-honoring peacefulness.
Evening Prayer:
Hark the herald angels sing "Glory to the newborn King! Peace on earth and mercy mild God and sinners reconciled" Joyful, all ye nations rise Join the triumph of the skies With the angelic host proclaim: "Christ is born in Bethlehem" Hark! The herald angels sing "Glory to the newborn King!" (Trinity Hymnal #203, v.1).

For Your Church in faraway places and close by, we pray to you O God, including Mount Lebanon Baptist Church; Mt. Olive Baptist; Mt. Olive Friendship Baptist; Mount Rose; Mt. Triumph and Nehemiah Baptist Church. Knowing that the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil, grant us the grace to flee these things, and to pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness, to fight the good fight of the faith taking firm hold of the eternal life to which we were called and about which we have made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses (1 Timothy 6.11-12); O Lord, hear our prayer.

For our whole congregation, in our homes, in our fellowship, out in our vocations, in the marketplace; wherever we may be and go, that based upon and because of your mercies poured out on us in Jesus Christ, help us to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to you, which is our spiritual worship. Help us that we would not be conformed to this world – especially in this highly commercialized season, but we would be transformed by the renewal of our mind, that by testing we may discern what is your good and acceptable and perfect will (Romans 12.1-2). O Lord, hear our prayer.

We remember that there are those we know who will likely find this time of year gruelingly grievous – maybe because of the death of loved ones, hostile and harmful memories, financial troubles, serious loneliness, and other privations,…help us to be sensitive toward them, to be alert to their sadness or burdens, and to caringly walk with them through the time. And may your goodness and love come through us to lift their hearts and guide them to find their comfort and joy in you; O Lord, hear our prayer.

We pray for the nations of this world, that peace, harmony, justice and prosperity might prevail for the good of all; so that your Word may run swiftly and be glorified and your Church kept safe; O Lord, hear our prayer.

And Lord, we ask that throughout this season, in the words echoing through the songs, the various ways of recalling the coming of your Son, as well as the talk and memories, you might soften the hearts and consciences of many – and especially those whom we know – that they would become more open to the Gospel of the Lord Jesus, and be drawn to your Son in whom alone is “Peace on earth and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled.” O Lord, hear our prayer.


Natalie S said…
So beautiful! If only more folks would pray in this way...

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