“Chasing Evil: Pursuing Dangerous Criminals with the U.S.Marshals” by W.J. Sorukas Jr. A Review


I picked up the book at the new U.S. Marshal’s Museum in Ft. Smith, Arkansas. It’s also autographed by the author. It begins slow, as Sorukas tells his journey from childhood into the Marshal’s Service. But it begins to pick up steam and momentum as it recounts several cases he was involved in over the last 20-plus years. In this work the author puts on display the growing investigative skills of the Marshals service, and his own personal growth. He also clearly recounts the rivalry the plagues the various law enforcement agencies. Some of the bickering and power plays (between the FBI, ATF, USMS, etc.) are laughable - most times. At other times the rivalry and pride-of-ownership nearly derails investigations. Clearly, the last case he chronicles was important to Sorukas, as can be seen by the urgency and clarity with which he writes out the details. I was captivated by that final case, and couldn’t it the book down until I finished that chapter.

There was also a long connection between the author and John Walsh, host of “America’s Most Wanted.” This is made clear in Walsh’s forward to the book, and the way Sorukas shows how AMW played a significant role in several of his cases. 

The book may not always keep a reader’s attention because the particulars that were involved in each case can become a bit tedious. But if a reader will hang in there, and push through, they will catch “the spirit” of the author and find the cases increasingly fascinating. I’m glad I snagged a copy, and even more glad that I read the whole book. I recommend it for anyone interested in law enforcement, or criminal investigations. But it also makes a good read for just anyone who is looking for something a bit different.

Finally, I salute Mr. William J. Sorukas, and all others who have worn the badge with justice, integrity, and service.


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