"Your Mercies and Loving-Kindness have been from Everlasting" - 6 November 2022


O Lord Jesus Christ, our great God and Savior, your mercies and loving-kindnesses have been from everlasting. You became man and stooped to endure crucifixion and death for the salvation of all who rely on you. You rose from the dead for our justification, ascended into heaven and sit at the right hand of the Father, from whence you shall come to judge the living and the dead; and as our great High Priest you regard the humble prayers of all who call upon you with their whole heart. Incline your ear and hear.

First of all, we give you hearty thanks for the faith and faithfulness of those who have gone from us, who have traversed their way through the valley of the shadow of death into your everlasting arms: (here it is fitting to mention those who have run the race and died in the faith). Though they struggled with sin, sometimes overcoming, and sometimes not overcoming very well, nevertheless their confidence in you, their persistence in walking in your way, lifts our hearts. As we run this race may we joyfully recollect that these brothers and sisters have run before us to you, the author and finisher of our faith, and may that recollection spur us on with greater and greater courage and commitment (Hebrews 12:2-3).

Further, we implore you to remember your Holy Universal Church, which you have emancipated with your precious blood, including this congregation, and Brookwood Baptist, Central, Chisolm Creek, and Classen Blvd Baptist Church. Confirm and strengthen your church, enlarge and multiply her, keep her in peace, and preserve her unconquered by the gates of hell forever. Heal the schisms of the churches, quench the ragings of the pagans, speedily unravel and uproot the growths of heresies bringing them to naught by the power of your Holy Spirit, and beat down Satan under our feet. Strengthen, O Lord, and have mercy upon all ministers, pastors, bishops, and presbyters of your Church whom you have established to feed your flock. By our sound doctrine, right administration of the sacraments, discipline, godly lives and prayers build up and strengthen your people in all places. Save, O Lord, and have mercy upon those who envy and slight us and seek to do us harm, forgive them and turn their hearts (…).

Act, O Lord, and have mercy upon all world rulers, on our president and on all our civil authorities. Speak peace and blessing into their hearts that we may live calm and peaceful lives in all godliness and dignity. And aid us to submit ourselves to every ordinance of man for your sake, whether to the President, governors, or judges, as to those who are sent by you for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of those who do good. For we know and confess that this is your will, so that by doing good we may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men (1 Peter 2:13-17). Watch over this midterm election. Quash all underhandedness, deceit, slander, and evil intent and bring forth – not a government we deserve, but one we need.

Refresh, O Lord, and have mercy upon the aged and young, those who are pregnant, the needy, orphans, widows, single parents, the unemployed and underemployed, those whose home life is troubled and trembling, those in sickness and sorrow, distressed and afflicted, oppressed and captive, imprisoned and confined (…). Remember them, visit, strengthen, keep, and comfort them, and make haste to grant them, by your power, relief, freedom, and deliverance. 

Save, O Lord, and have mercy upon those who are unbelievers, the wayward, and the entrapped (…). These requests we ask in your name, and we pray as you taught us, saying, Our Father…


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