"Come, Holy Spirit!" - 28 May 2023
Creator God
who in the beginning made all things of nothing by the power of your word, and
all very good; whose Spirit hovered over all that was formless and void to
bring forth order and life. We pray for your Spirit to hover over us; and we
pray that your Spirit would continue to cause the earth to bring forth bountifully.
We pray: Come, Holy Spirit!
God, who assigned prophets, judges, and Psalmists to bring forth your decrees,
directions, and adulations and clothed them with your Spirit who guided them
and testified through them of the sufferings of Christ and the subsequent
glories; cloth us with your Spirit that we may bravely serve you and our
neighbors in love and truth. We pray: Come, Holy Spirit!
Holy God who
sent your Son Jesus Christ into the world that through him we might have life;
and after his death, burial, resurrection and ascension, you sent forth your
Holy Spirit by your Son, so that we would not be left as orphans; may we know
that our Lord Jesus is with us and we are with you. And we ask this especially
on behalf of those facing surgery, chemotherapy, and physical troubles, loss,
and shadowy insecurities (…). We pray: Come, Holy Spirit!
God and
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who sent the Spirit of Truth to bear witness
of Jesus, and by his indwelling presence makes us able to also bear witness of
our Lord: pour down your rousing and refreshing goodness on us and your people
all over the world – including Church of the Living God on Hazel Street, on
Kelham Ave, and on Wilshire Blvd, and New Jerusalem Temple. We pray: Come, Holy
saving God whose Son sent the helper/counselor, who comes to convict the world
concerning sin and righteousness and judgment: concerning sin, because they do
not believe in your Son; concerning righteousness, because the Son has ascended
to your right hand and we presently see him no longer; concerning judgment,
because the ruler of this world is judged (John 16:8-11): may the Spirit
continue to convict our world – including the USA, New Zealand, Nicaragua,
Niger, and Nigeria – concerning sin, righteousness and judgment, that all the
world may turn to you and live. We pray: Come, Holy Spirit!
Father of
mercies and God of all comfort, whose Spirit is the comforter, we remember and
recall that there are many who have served this country in the military and
died supporting and defending liberty. We are grateful for them. We are
grateful for their memory. May righteous courage not be lacking from our land.
We pray: Come, Holy Spirit!
Adopting God,
who gave us your Spirit of adoption by whom we can cry out “Abba, Father!” May
your Spirit bear witness with our spirits that we are your children, no matter
what our society shouts at us, no matter what the devil whispers to us, no
matter what our defeats and frustrations gossip to us, and no matter what our
tired and trembling hearts sigh to us! We pray: Come, Holy Spirit!
Sanctifying God, whose will for us is holiness and so you have given us the Holy Spirit; we pray for our denomination of your church as we get ready for our General Assembly. May righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit run deep in us and blossom beautifully forth from us; and so fill us with joy and peace in believing that we may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. We pray: Come, Holy Spirit! And now, we join voices and hearts together to pray as our Lord Jesus directed, saying, Our Father, who art in heaven…