"Mere Sexuality" by Todd Wilson. A Review

Mere Sexuality: Rediscovering the Christian Vision of SexualityMere Sexuality: Rediscovering the Christian Vision of Sexuality by Todd A. Wilson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

As the social environment in the U.S.A. continues to stay hot, and civility and sensibility atrophy, it is increasingly important for Christians and pastors to have solid resources that will help us keep our heads about us. Todd Wilson, Senior Pastor of Calvary Memorial Church in Oak Park Illinois, as well as co-founder and chairman of The Center for Pastoral Theologians, has compiled an easy-to-read study published in the 191 page softback, "Mere Sexuality: Rediscovering the Christian Vision of Sexuality."

This small volume artfully works through creation, the incarnation of Christ, and the resurrection, to tackle, theologically, the place of our embodied sexuality. In many ways it is a Christological anthropology. Instead of turning "God's intentions for human sexuality into a stale set of moral rules" (40), the author beautifully presents the centrality of Christ to the whole subject.

"Mere Sexuality" takes it's cue from C.S. Lewis's "Mere Christianity" in examining what Christianity has normatively affirmed about being born male and female, marriage, children, sex, singleness and friendship. As Wilson states, the "church's stance against homosexual activity isn't the product of a few Bible proof texts that speak directly to the issue of same-sex practice; it is the result of the Bible's holistic vision of human sexuality, which pervades Scripture" (54). Whether you agree with Wilson or not, by the end of the book you will have a better informed conception of why Christianity has doggedly held its position, and what it sees is at stake.

But the author maintains a charitable and gracious tone throughout the work, while shooting straight. "Mere Sexuality" is not a rant against a specific set of behaviors. It is rather a positive presentation of what is quickly being painted as old fashioned and bigoted. The main point of the manuscript consistently comes through, such as; "Despite the consistent messaging of our culture, you are not who you desire sexually. Instead you are who God has created you to be in his image and likeness, whether male or female. And more importantly, you are who God calls you to be in his Son, Jesus Christ" (75).

"Mere Sexuality" can be quickly read. Yet the content will provide much for reflection, and will heighten anticipation! Christian ministers, seminarians, men, women, inquirers and even opponents should grab up a copy and pour over it. I highly recommend the book!

You can obtain a copy of the book here: "Mere Sexuality"

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