"Is God Anti-Gay" by Sam Allberry. A Review

What happens if someone comes to your church and after some days of getting to know them they inform you they’re Gay or Lesbian? What if a Christian you’ve known for years unexpectedly opens up to you and admits that they find themselves sexually attracted to those of their sex? These real-life possibilities, and more, are addressed in the 96 page paperback “Is God Anti-Gay: And Other Questions about Homosexuality, the Bible and Same-Sex Attraction” by Sam Allbery, who is part of the team at Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, works as UK Editor for The Gospel Coalition, and has been same-sex attracted (SSA) for years. This little handbook is a thoughtful and Scriptural guide, written with solid biblical convictions and compassion.

Allberry addresses what the Scriptures say about the beauty of human sexuality, and how from page one God’s plan and standard for sex has always been single and celibate or marriage between one man and one woman as long as they both shall live. He further tackles what Scripture says with regard to homosexuality, both in its explicit statements and implicit. Beyond these important topics, he coaches the reader on how to graciously respond to someone who experiences SSA, while holding to biblical principles. The author approaches these sensitive subjects with gentle firmness and clear-headedness.

“Is God Anti-Gay” is a positive, pastoral presentation. It is succinct and sympathetic, written from experience and a desire to honorably serve the Lord Jesus. This little manual is a perfect addition to a church’s book table. But it is a volume for every Christian who wants to think straight while loving strong. I heartily recommend this book!

You can purchase the book here: "Is God Anti-Gay"

Also, you can hear Sam Allberry's story and meet many of his friends here: Living Out


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