Jay Sklar on "Our Heads On Straight"


Here's what Jay Sklar, Old Testament professor at Covenant Theological Seminary, said about "Our Heads on Straight":

"The New Testament commands and commends “sober-mindedness” for Christians—far more often than I ever realized. What does that mean? What should it look like? Philliber provides a helpful, pastoral answer to those questions, defining sober-mindedness as “having your head on straight” and showing what that should look like in the Christian life today. The chapters are short and each focused on one aspect of sober-mindedness. In a few places, the connection to the book’s overall theme does not seem overly tight, but the book as a whole is a series of wonderful meditations on this important (but often overlooked) theme. (I would also note that he applies this theme in a subsequent book, Beyond Outrage, to the topic of how we interact with media—social or traditional—today. It is an excellent read!)"

I'm so very grateful for his kind words!



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