"Saint Patrick the Forgiver" by Ned Bustard. A Review


There are ways to tell stories, and then there are ways. Ned Bustard, creative director for Square Halo Books, Inc., curator of the Square Halo Gallery, graphic designer, and children's book illustrator, tells a tale wrapped in boisterous beat and gratifying graphics. "Saint Patrick the Forgiver", a 32-page glossy storybook, retells the life of Patrick with the cadence of an Irish ceilidh. It will keep the attention of young'uns and delight the elder readers to no end.

Each page has large, delightful illustrations designed by the author, full of enough color and detail that kids will want to stop and ogle each picture. and the script is large enough for even the most frail-sighted reader. The story moves from Patrick's childhood to his time when he returns and spreads the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Gaels. Bustard even addresses a few of the legends that are not likely to be true, in a way that mentions them without embracing them as necessarily historical.

The book reads out loud nicely. As I read it vocally, I heard the lilting lines rise and fall, which made it even more enjoyable to read. This is an ideal work for kids, grandkids, neighbor kids, and the adults who love to read to them. And as they read, they will be adding their voices to Patrick's: "To every ear that hears me I preach Christ, and Christ alone: Christ above me, Christ within me, Christ on his golden throne." I happily recommend this storybook to any and all.

My thanks to IVP Kids for sending this delightful work at my request. They made no demands. They offered no bribes. All they asked is that I give my own evaluation and present it to others. Thus, my review is freely made and freely given.


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