"Reading the Psalms with Luther" A Review


(Some of this I wrote back in 20212 when I first used this resource) Nice! Very, very nice! This little piece has the ESV Psalms pointed for chanting or responsive reading (the eight, easy-to-sing chant tones are laid out in the preface/intro section of the book and are easy to figure out, especially if you have a piano app for your cell phone etc.). The print is clear and useable for most people. Good margins on the sides of each page for notations. It even includes two schedules to systematically working through the Psalms for daily prayers. A very user-friendly work that's handy-sized.

Each Psalm has a very short Luther devotion that introduces each Psalm. Then, dispersed in various places around each Psalm (sometimes in the middle and at the end, sometimes simply at the end) is a Lutheresque prayer drawn from Rev. F. Kuegele and his "Book of Devotion: The Psalms". These prayers are thematically guided by the specific Psalm, and delightful meditations and prayers. I have retained many of them for other times. They include prayers for the country, for preservation from enemies, for the church in evil days, for ministers, for supplying us with all we need, for a cheerful faith, and much more. Great for family worship or individual devotions. I happily recommend the work.


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