Constitutional Confession and Catechisms

(This is what I sent out in my letter to the congregation today)

 Last Sunday morning, during my report on the 49th General Assembly (in our Adult Class), we had some great discussions. Toward the end someone mentioned a specific issue that got me thinking. The following are a few of those thoughts. 

The Presbyterian Church in America is fairly unique from other denominations of Christ’s church. Unique, at least, at it’s constitutional level. What I mean is, we are one of the few denominations who have the Ten Commandments, with explanations and definitions, as specifically part of our constitution. Most other denominations only have articles of religion and  statements of belief as their charter, without listing and expounding the Decalogue. Our Larger and Shorter Catechisms are part of our denomination’s “law of the land”. Below is a sample of what our constitution says on one of the Commandments, specifically the 7th, “You shall not commit adultery”:


Q. 138. What are the duties required in the seventh commandment?
A. The duties required in the seventh commandment are, chastity in body, mind, affections, words, and behavior; and the preservation of it in ourselves and others; watchfulness over the eyes and all the senses; temperance, keeping of chaste company, modesty in apparel; marriage by those that have not the gift of continency (sexual self-restraint – MWP), conjugal love, and cohabitation; diligent labor in our callings; shunning all occasions of uncleanness, and resisting temptations thereunto.

Q. 139. What are the sins forbidden in the seventh commandment?
A. The sins forbidden in the seventh commandment, besides the neglect of the duties required, are, adultery, fornication, rape, incest, sodomy, and all unnatural lusts; all unclean imaginations, thoughts, purposes, and affections; all corrupt or filthy communications, or listening thereunto; wanton looks, impudent or light behavior, immodest apparel; prohibiting of lawful, and dispensing with unlawful marriages; allowing, tolerating, keeping of stews (brothels – MWP), and resorting to them; entangling vows of single life, undue delay of marriage; having more wives or husbands than one at the same time; unjust divorce, or desertion; idleness, gluttony, drunkenness, unchaste company; lascivious songs, books, pictures, dancings, stage plays; and all other provocations to, or acts of uncleanness, either in ourselves or others.

Our statutory documents actually have a list of sexual sins to abstain from, including sex trafficking, sexual intentions and affections that are “unclean”, etc. But also sexual virtues that we are to promote. Both go together because as new made beings in Christ, we’re to put off the old ways, and put on the new (Ephesians 4:22-24). 

So, most of the examples of other denominations who have been slipping away into compromising ethics and morality don’t fit our situation. One reason they don’t fit is that they don’t have God’s moral law specifically inscribed in their statutes. I think that is an important item for us to recognize in our present societal storms and dust-ups. 

Another reason they don’t fit our situation is that as a denomination of Christ’s church, the PCA holds to the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments “to be the inerrant Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and practice” (BCO 21-5). We say it, and our church officers swear to God they believe it. Whereas, these other ecclesiastical organizations don’t see Scripture this way. 

To illustrate, here are two ordination vows from one of those denominations that we share a history with. “Do you accept the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be, by the Holy Spirit, the unique and authoritative witness to Jesus Christ in the Church universal, and God’s Word to you?” In their context, Scripture is only a witness to Jesus, not the infallible rule of faith and life. 

And in their next vow, “Do you sincerely receive and adopt the essential tenets of the Reformed faith as expressed in the confessions of our church as authentic and reliable expositions of what Scripture leads us to believe and do, and will you be instructed and led by those confessions as you lead the people of God?” The confessions, for them, only have guiding influence. Dear friends, there’s a Grand Canyon size gap between where we are and where they are (These vows taken from the PCUSA). 

And therefore, as a denomination of Christ’s church, God’s moral law holds the moral high-ground for us, for the PCA. This should (1) give us some strong and resilient peace of mind. (2) Heighten our recognition of the way Scripture and our Confession and catechisms are submitted to in the Ad Interim Committee Report on Human Sexuality, which was almost unanimously welcomed and received in 2021 at the previous General Assembly. (3) And encourage each of us to to spend some time reading over and ruminating on the Larger and Shorter Catechisms for our benefit and growth.                                                                    

Pastor Mike                                   


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