"Zeal for Godliness" - A Book Review


"Zeal for Godliness" came, unsolicited, in the mail from the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, but it intrigued me. Here was a 270-page hardback that worked through all of John Calvin's "Institutes of the Christian Religion" in concise, summary, devotional form! It is easy-to-read, and tackles much that Calvin wrote in his Institutes. It's perfect for those who have read Calvin's four volumes, and for those who haven't read them because they're intimidated. The editor(s) aimed "to display the coherence, trustworthiness, and glory of biblical truth for all ages" (12), and especially how John Calvin developed biblical truth. I think they hit their target.

The work unfolds with the section of Calvin's institutes the writer is referring to at the top of the page. Then, the commenter discusses what is in that section on only one page. Sometimes a salient sentence or paragraph from the Institutes is quoted, but most times it is a summary. And yet, big applause to all the writers, each page is devotional as well. The contributors make up a solid coaching-staff: Sinclair Ferguson, Iain Campbell, Derek Thomas, Paul Helm, Justin Taylor, Richard Phillips, Philip Ryken, Stephen Nichols, Sean Lucas, Carl Trueman, Guy Waters, and Carlton Wynne. These notes were originally a series of blog posts in 2009 hosted by reformation21.org.

Truly, as Carlton Wynne notes, zealousness alone "can destroy churches and sear relationships, and much of the same has occurred in the name of Calvinism. But true zeal among the followers of Christ - zeal that is channelled by the Word and Spirit of God - is a blessing to the world" (11). That sensible zeal that builds up, builds together, and builds faithfulness, is clear throughout the volume. And the relevance of the work for this second decade of the 21st Century comes out in so many ways. For example, when Derek Thomas was handling a certain section of book 4, he notes "the church cannot baptize the state (or a particular political party), nor can the state (literally) baptize church members" (223). There are a lot of us American Christians, especially us Reformed types, who need to think hard on this point.

"Zeal for Godliness" is perfect for pastors and parishioners, book study groups and adult classes at church. It is highly affordable - thanks to the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals and Reformed Resources, this $24.99 book can be snatched up at $5.00 apiece. I highly recommend the book, and thanks to whomever for sending me an unsolicited, free copy!


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