"Your Almighty and Everywhere Present Power" - 22 August 2021


Father, who by your almighty and everywhere present power, upholds – as it were by your hand – heaven, earth, and all creatures, and so governs them that herbs and grass, rain and drought, fruitful and barren years, food and drink, health and sickness, riches and poverty, come not by chance but by your fatherly hand: In grateful solace and solicitous gratitude, may we be patient when things go against us, thankful when things go well, and for the future have good confidence in you, our faithful God and Father, that nothing in creation will separate us from your love; for we are convinced that all creatures are so completely in your hand that without your will they can neither move nor be moved (Heidelberg Catechism 27-28). 

We ask you to strengthen those who are fighting against the carnage, inhumanity and evil in their lands. Please stop human trafficking; please stop the harassment of your Church. May all nations come to bow the knee to the Lord Jesus, and goodwill and wellbeing abound in all places.

O Father, we cry out to you to have mercy on our nation! Change the direction of the people and the rulers that we may become a nation of hard-working, fair-minded, well-educated, morally-sound people; a hope-giving example to all the countries in our world. And please restrain our leaders that they would keep their noses out of places they ought not to be sticking them.

Give your aid and strength to all those in the U.S. Armed Forces (…). May they serve devotedly, fearlessly, admirably, and honorably.

O Father of mercies and God of all comfort, our only help in time of need: please behold, visit and relieve those who are fearful, alarmed, limping, or ailing (…). Mercifully look upon them; comfort them with a sense of your goodness; preserve them from the temptations of the enemy; and give them patience under their affliction. In your good time, restore them to health, and enable them to lead the residue of their life in your fear and to your glory; and grant that finally they may dwell with you in life everlasting. 

Almighty God, for your Church worldwide, including House of Prayer, Iglesia Bautista Independencia, Iglesia Christiana La Puerta, and Iglesia Christiana Ebenezer, we pray. Grant grace to all that they may be courageously committed to you; supply all that is lacking, whether valor, assets, good shepherds, laborers or open doors. For the shepherds of your church, help us to maintain true doctrine and the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and may we be truly holy, all for the good of your Church and your glory. And for those in the ministry who are atheists, agnostics, predators, or pedophiles, convert them, and where necessary, remove them and prosecute them.

Finally, show your kindness and deploy your saving love to these who have never turned to Christ (…). All of these requests we bring to you through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, and we pray as he taught us, saying, Our Father…


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