The Way of the People - A Prayer


(The picture of Jeremiah was done by Guy Rowe, 1949, Lithograph Print)

This morning I was reading Jeremiah chapters 41-42, and then John 5:30-47. What I noticed was the way of the people in both places, their attitudes and actions, rationalizations and resistance. And the parallels caused me to pray. It is a responding prayer, responding to God's word. It is a prayer for myself, my family, my church, my friends, and my fellow ministers. Here is my responding prayer.

The people that our Lord spoke to (John 5:30-47) are following the pattern of the people Jeremiah spoke to (Jeremiah 41-42). O God, they will not listen to your word!!!! In fact, (1) the love of God is not in them (John 5:42); (2) they do not seek the honor, praise, glory that come from you but only what will come from men (John 5:44); (3) your word they do not have abiding in them (John 5:38); and (4) in reading Scripture, they read without you and without believing in you (John 5:38-40, 46-47).

O my dear God! O our Father! Help us; move us; soften our hearts so that (1) your love may abide in us; (2) we would seek only the honor, praise, glory that come from you; (3) your word would abide in us; and (4) we would search the Scriptures with you and with believing hearts. Amen.



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