"Transformational Prayer" by Zachary F. Carden. A Review

Transformational Prayer: A Non-Linear ApproachTransformational Prayer: A Non-Linear Approach by Zachary F. Carden
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have a secret. Okay, I actually have two. First, the author of this book is a friend of mine. Second, he doesn't know that I picked up his teeny virtual-codex. But when I saw the subject I was intrigued and thought I'd give it a look-over, and I'm glad I did. Zachary F. Carden, Director of Family ministries and an associate pastor at Church of the Apostles in Atlanta, Georgia, compiled this roughly 30 page Kindle-manuscript for himself, and out of his own experience for others.

In "Transformational Prayer" Carden is talking about prayer, and using something of a modified version of an old prayer template, ACTS(i) - Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication (intercession). But the whole point of this easy-to-read volume is to come into ACTS(i) from wherever you are at the moment, instead of rigidly following the formula. As the author says repeatedly, start "where your heart is most burdened" (location 97). He then gives several examples, showing how things might go if you enter first through the Confession door, or the Thanksgiving entryway, or the Adoration portal, or the Supplication arch. It's a very simple, straightforward manual for those who find a more regimented approach to prayer stifling.

If you are having difficulty praying, this little piece will be an immeasurable aid to you. And if you think you have it "all together" in your prayers, this booklet might just be the thing to shake a few rusty pieces loose and crank your motor. I highly recommend the book. And by the way, don't let Zack know I read and reviewed his book. It'll be our secret.

You can get a Kindle Version here: Transformational Prayer

View all my reviews


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