“A Genesis to Revelation Scripture Memory Guide” by Strauss. A Review

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Simple book with a strong purpose. Ed Strauss, accomplished author, has given followers of Jesus a basic book on Bible memorization. This 224-page inexpensive softback is not printed for durability, but usability at two different levels: memorization and devotion.
The first few short chapters introduce the why, way and what of Scripture memorization. Not only is remembering holy writ directed in the Bible, but individual verses must be held in their context, and so it is important to have a daily Scripture reading habit. Further, the author maps out the benefits of memorization and then lays out 9 simple tips for retaining verses. I found this exhortation very meaningful, “Seek to feel the text, remind yourself that it will change you, and think deeply about its power and meaning. This will engage your emotions” (18).
Then Strauss lays out 144 verses to learn by heart, put together under specific topics with a topical index on the last pages for easy finding. He has them spelled out in both the KJV and NIV. And each verse to be held on to is encased in a short devotion. Not only will the passage be retained - especially by using the regimen he recommends, but a reader will find the practice a devotional experience. When I first picked up the book and wondered if I should purchase it, this was what jumped out at me. For the valiant, the volume ends with longer sections of holy Scripture, as well as additional memory verses.
At the end of the day “A Genesis to Revelation Scripture Memory Guide” is an easy-to-use manual. For anyone struggling to retain Scripture, you will find this book a big help. It would also be ideal for discipling relationships and personal growth. I highly recommend the book.
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