Vespers - 12 May 2019

[The hymn used in this evening prayer is from the Trinity Hymnal rev. ed. #712, "O God of Love, O King of Peace"]

We pray, O Lord, for the hostile, hurtful and harsh conditions in our world situations, in our nation, but also in our communities, our relationships, our employments, our families, and other settings… O God of love, O King of peace, make wars throughout the world to cease; the wrath of sinful man restrain; give peace, O God, give peace again. O Lord, hear our prayer.

We earnestly pray for revival and reformation! We pray for revival and reformation in our own country, and all other regions that once had a very clear and concrete Christian presence. We pray for revival and reformation among our families and friends, acquaintances and associates who also once were clearly and concretely Christians. And we pray for revival and reformation in our churches in this country and State, for those churches striving to be faithful, and those who have muddied and mauled the faith… Remember, Lord, your works of old, the wonders that our fathers told; remember not our sin's dark stain; give peace, O God, give peace again. O Lord, hear our prayer.

We intercede on behalf of those who are not Christians, who think Christianity is only about do-goodism and voting-blocks, who are incredulous and cynical; for those who perceive “Coexist” as the way of tolerance and can’t see it for what it is; for those who are rabidly opposed to your people and your Gospel and would use Law Courts, lashings, looting, and libel to silence the Way… Whom shall we trust but you, O Lord? Where rest but on your faithful Word? None ever called on you in vain; give peace, O God, give peace again. O Lord, hear our prayer.

Finally, we are so thankful for how you have walked with this congregation. She has been through the mud, the blood, and the guts, so to speak. But you have been faithful to her, and you have brought us a long way. We sing your praises, we give you our thanks, and we happily continue to ask you: Where saints and angels dwell above all hearts are knit in holy love; O bind us in that heav'nly chain; give peace, O God, give peace again. O Lord, hear our prayer.


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