"All-Knowing God" - 20 January 2019

All-knowing God, whose Son Jesus Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God; you have taught us in Proverbs that if we seek wisdom like silver and search for it as for hidden treasures, then we will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God. For you give wisdom; from your mouth come knowledge and understanding; you store up sound wisdom for the upright; you are a shield to those who walk in integrity, guarding the paths of justice and watching over the way of your saints. (Proverbs 2.4-8). In this regard we pray for, and with, these who are seeking wisdom:

For those making career decisions; we pray that you would guide them to places and circumstances that will be truly good for them, personally, professionally, parentally and with regard to piety.

For those who are retired and moving deeper into their senior years; we pray that you would show them how their experiences and abilities may be well used to make disciples, build-up families, and aid your world rescue operation.

For those growing up; we pray that you would steer them to mature as godly and healthy adults, and to walk in your wise ways whether at home, college, work, the military, in relationships, and in your church.

For those who are widowed, divorced or never been married; we pray that you would fill them with life, hope, heart, joy and peace as they live each day, and that they would flourish in your family.

For those who are married; we pray that you would help them in their relationships and marriages; that their marriages would reflect Christ and the Church and be splashing over with harmony, holiness, happiness and healthiness.

For those fraught with depression or trudging through a dry and weary land were there is no water; we pray that you would show them the way up and out raising them from the gloom and keeping them from sinking into themselves. May they discerningly find the right people with whom they will feel safe to tell, and who will walk with them through it all.

For those crumbled down with poor health or encumbered with ongoing issues and treatments; we pray that you would hold their heads above the water line. As James says, may they count it all joy in this trial of their faith knowing that this testing of their faith is able to produce steadfastness; and may they let steadfastness have its full effect in them, that they may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

For those who are pregnant and are being pressured from within and without to get an abortion; we pray that you would place wholesome people and voices around them who will help them to see beyond the worry and worrisome parties. That they will not seek deadly solutions, but the life of their child. Thank you for the work and service of the Hope Pregnancy Centers in our State, and other pro-life alternatives. Bless them with all the funds, folks and furnishings they need.

For your people on all seven continents, and at Forest Hills Christian Church, Fountain of Faith, Frontline Church, and Genesis Church; we pray that your Spirit of wisdom and understanding, counsel and might, knowledge and the fear of the LORD, will fill them with the fruit of the Spirit – love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and self-control; will direct them away from all error into all truth; and will raise them up to testify truly and clearly of Jesus Christ.

For our country and all the nations of the earth; since righteousness exalts a nation and sin is a reproach to any people, we pray that you would bring all states and realms to understand righteousness, justice and equity, along with every good path, to progressively embrace what is right, renounce what is wrong, and cultivate the good of all people. All we ask in faith and Jesus’ name. Amen.


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