"We Make Bold to Call On You" - 21 October 2018

Lord, your servant John concluded his letter with these words: “And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true; and we are in him who is true, in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life. Little children, keep yourselves from idols” (1 John 5.20-21). For these reasons we make bold to call on you, to call on you in truth (Psalm 145.18).

For your church on every continent, including this congregation,  South Lindsay Baptist Church, Southern Hills Baptist, Southern Temple, and Southmoore Baptist Church, we pray. Help us to keep ourselves from idols – whether handmade or heart-made! Bring us to grow in understanding you, your purposes, your Word, and your ways for us. Deepen our perception and knowledge of Jesus who is true, and is the true God and eternal life. And draw us together in him.

Bless and enrich the upcoming Oklahoma Conference on Reformed Theology. Give Harry Reeder your gracious guidance and presence. Cause all who attend to be genuinely fortified in the faith once for all delivered to the saints.

Look upon the many seminaries in our land, whose purpose is to educate and form leaders for your church: especially Gordon-Conwell, Mid-America, and Erskine. May each campus be an environment of faithfulness to you, thoughtfulness, decorum and flourishing sanctity. May those in our seminaries grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. May the funds and resources be there to keep the seminaries running smoothly. And may the professors be godly, sober-minded, and able to teach well.

We pray for our world, all the national governments and citizens, and our own country. May sanity, sobriety, civility and stability be the order of the day for all realms and all communities. Lord God, give peace in our time.

Superintend and direct these upcoming mid-term elections and ballot votes. We have often been fooled and hoodwinked by the campaigners and campaigns, and we go to the voting booths knowing that we are not omniscient or omni-competent. Therefore, guide us to vote well with what we can perceive, to be gracious to those who vote otherwise, and to trust you are sovereign even over elections and ballots!

Take care of those in tough times, who feel like their lives are raging storms…and help us to minister your mercy and comfort.

Rescue those who are perishing, reclaim the wayward, restore the repentant…and give us the courage to be your means of Gospel grace to them.

Liberate and release those who being badgered, bullied, bludgeoned, mistreated, molested or mauled emotionally, verbally, or physically…and, please Lord, grant us the wisdom to know how to be part of your liberation and release, and give us the courage to take the right steps. All we ask in the confidence we have in Jesus Christ your Son, your “Yes” to us (2 Corinthians 1.20). Amen.


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