When Prayer Requests Come Through

Our church’s website has a portal where people can go and ask for prayer (go here). All of the requests eventually come to me, most of which are anonymous, and have sad stories to them. I do make time in the day to pray for each of the requests, and send the prayer back to the originating email address. Here are a few of the prayers I have sent out:

(In a battle with sexual sins): Almighty God, mighty in compassion and mighty in kindness: be with Pxxxxx to give him liberty over the sins he's battling with. Set him free from the evil affections and fill him with longing for you and the satisfaction of knowing you. Place him among other believers who will be able to walk with him, care for him, and encourage him; in Jesus name, Amen.

(Just quit job because employer mistreated a homeless mother of six): Mighty God, who cares about the beat down and beat up; who has your eye and heart open to those in dire need: we pray for this mother of 6 to have a warm, safe place for her and her children to live; we pray for food, clothing, medical care, and protection. And we pray for this one who has quit their job because of the way that their employer treated the homeless mother of six, that you would provide a new and more wholesome job, with a healthier environment. All of this we ask in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

(One who struggles with depression and feelings of hopelessness): Almighty God, who sees that we have no power of ourselves to help ourselves: Keep our friend both outwardly in the body and inwardly in the soul, that this friend may be defended from all adversities which may happen to the body, and from all evil thoughts which may assault and hurt the soul; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

(This was in response to a super long, anonymous prayer request that the writer turned into a prayer and wanted me to join in with them): Yes, Lord. Hear these prayer requests, provide for all that our friend needs, fill our friend with peace, and set your shield around our friend; in Jesus’ name. Amen.

(For sleep at night and employment): Lord God, who gives your beloved sleep (Psalm 127.2); who provides for the weary and worn out, who supplies us with all our needs (Psalm 145.14-16), be with our friend. Provide our friend with sleep, peace and rest. And open doors for employment, a job that will fit our friend’s abilities, pay well and have helpful benefits. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

(A man who desires to have a relationship with a woman): Lord God, who when you made Adam, said “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him,” and then made Eve and brought her to the man; we pray for Xxxxxx, for the sense and feeling of loneliness. First we pray that he would grow deeper in fellowship with you and find this more enriching and fulfilling than ever before. And then we ask that at the right time he would meet a godly Christian woman who would truly be "a helper fit for him." We also pray for patience, peace, and presence of mind as well as self-restraint. And finally we pray that you would be pleased to make the way for him to have, and grow in, good Christian friendships. Lord, you are good. Thank you for hearing our prayers offered up in Jesus' name. Amen.

(For one in rehab and one facing death): Lord Jesus, upon whom rests the Spirit of the LORD so that you bring good news to the poor; bind up the brokenhearted; proclaim liberty to the captives; and the opening of the prison to those who are bound, proclaiming the year of the LORD's favor: we pray for Xxxx as he comes home from rehab today. We implore you to work on his body and motives and ambitions that he would be free from any addictions. Help him through these second charges he is facing. And be with the family as they try to find the right way to aid him through it all. And we also lift up our hearts to pray for Xxxx, that she may recover from the surgery quickly, breath easily, and that her whole cardiovascular system will function properly. Amen.

(For a Marriage that is on the rocks): Almighty God, you know the thoughts and intentions of our hearts, our dreams, our schemes, and our plans, and you know the depth and darkness of our hurts. You are the one who can change the hearts of men and women, steering their direction; and so we implore you on Xxxxx's behalf, that you would comfort her in her shock and anguish. We ask you to hear her prayers, and to bring about the changes she longs for. Where she and her husband need to ask forgiveness, show them. Where they need to seek forgiveness from each other, direct them. We ask all of this with longing and yearning hearts, and in Jesus' name. Amen.

(For a seriously ailing pet): O God, Creator and Sustainer, who made all things, including the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and the animals that roam the earth. We are grateful for the animals in our lives, especially the pets. They often bring comfort and pleasure, and remind us that you are pleased with even the little pleasures. Be with Tweaty. We pray for her recovery, that she would regain her strength, and be her old playful self once more. And we ask you to console Xxxxxxx as he watches Tweaty struggle and stumble. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

If you can use these prayers, feel free. Mike


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