Vespers - 28 January 2018

(Ministries): Great is our Lord, and abundant in power; his understanding is beyond measure. The LORD lifts up the humble; he casts the wicked to the ground. (Psalm 147.5-6): it is to you we bring our entreaties, pleas and thanks. We thank you, Lord God, for those who have stepped into the various roles and ministries of this congregation. We pray for WIC (Women in the Church) that you would lead them as they serve together and minister in multiple ways. Prosper their plans to make our building and congregation a more welcoming place for visitors and members alike. Be with the Needlework Guild, as they make blankets and items to spread comfort to others. May they bring warmth – both inside and outside – to those who receive them. For our Sunday School teachers who plan and prepare and present your story, thank you for the time they give; and may their work flourish and prosper. For Pamela and those who sing in our choir and A ‘Capella Ensemble; their voices and verve encourage us and lift our hearts. Continue to aid them as they declare your grandeur and greatness.  For those who prepare communion, service our building, oversee meals, etc… For all of these we are delighted and thank you for their abilities and willingness.  O Lord, hear our prayer.

(Indigent): Father, we pray for those we know from our daily dealings – neighbors, people we meet at the grocery store or outside Walmart, as well as those under the bridges and intersections holding their cardboard signs; people who are in real need, and people who play on the vulnerabilities and emotions of others; people who mishandle their resources and people who perform for drugs and drink; people who are genuinely poor and those who are being devious and deceitful;… First, help us to fathom and perceive who it is that really needs help, and how best to help them in ways that will not finance their self-destruction. But also, grant to them all a new way – your new way – that they may be freed from their lifestyles and life-long habits. O Lord, hear our prayer.

(Neighborhoods): We pray that you would be with those in our neighborhoods where we live…turn our suburbs and subdivisions into real neighborhoods and communities of caring people who treat one another with respect, interest, kindness and friendliness and will look out for each other’s best interests. O Lord, hear our prayer.


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