"Come Lord Jesus, Come Quickly" - 17 December 2017

Come Lord Jesus, come quickly and bring your saving grace to bear on all clans, nations, neighborhoods and communities. Execute the office of a Prophet in revealing to us, by your word and Spirit, the will of God for our salvation. We pray especially for the Fairhill, Creek Side, Glen Oaks, Redlands and Glen Eagles housing areas, that your Gospel may have full run through every home and up and down every street. May our fellow Christians on each road be valuable assets to their churches and fellowships. May those alienated from your church be restored. And we pray for our friends, acquaintances, neighbors, family members, and co-workers who have never found life and forgiveness…, May they come to faith and turn to you.

Come Lord Jesus, come quickly and bring your supporting aid to your church on every continent, Heritage, as well as Exchange Ave Baptist, Fair View Baptist, Faith Crossing Baptist, and Faith Works Baptist Churches. Execute the office of a Priest by your once offering up of yourself a sacrifice to satisfy divine justice, having reconciled us to God, and in making continual intercession for us. Let us find you mighty to save, merciful in our reformation, magnificent in our vocation. Those churches that are feeble, build up and bolster. Those that have stumbled, right and restore. Those that have little, make them rich in your compassion. Those that are splintering or have already split, bring them amity and accord. Those that are endeavoring to follow you faithfully, advance and augment.

Come Lord Jesus, come quickly and bring your regal power to bear on all nations, the USA, Croatia, Cuba, Curacao, Cyprus and Czechia. Execute the office of a King by subduing us to yourself, ruling and defending us, and restraining and conquering all of your and our enemies. Bring those in power to open their mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute. To open their mouth, to judge righteously, to defend the rights of the poor and needy (Proverbs 31.8-9). Those who are not in power bring them to honor the good, exalt the honorable, support what is noble, help the weak, be compassionate toward the defenseless, and stand up for those beat down. We ask especially that there would be a stop to the Casinos and scammers who prey on the elderly and aging, suckering them in to exhaust their expendable and non-expendable cash on schemes and swindles!

Come Lord Jesus, come quickly; bring an end to death and dying! Sustain those who are sick and sagging…Thank you for the faithful service of Dr. R.C. Sproul throughout the years. May his memory be respected for generations to come to your honor and our good. 

Come Lord Jesus, come quickly hasten the day of your return! Amen.


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