"Guide to Prayer: For Ministers and Other Servants" A Review.

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
A functional devotional for ministers. Each day has a great opening prayer, then a scripture reading that seems to have very little rhyme or reason; A Psalm for the week; a set of eight or nine readings from various authors like George MacDonald, Henri Nouwen, Theresa Avila, Gregory of Nyssa, Charles de Foucald and many others; space for silent and written, reflection; A hymn for the week; and a benediction. There are also twelve monthly retreat models, maybe something a covenant group could use to lay the foundation to a season of communal prayer.
The goal of this work appears to be to facilitate the practice of daily prayer, meditation, lectio divina, and communion with God by forming and shaping the habit of Scripture reading and prayer for the minister. One of the clear benefits of a minister employing this material is that none of it is following the lectionary, or lectio continua, and therefore is not for sermon preparation or other utilitarian approaches. In other words, this book is simply for soul-care. If you're looking for a tool to use to use for your own personal maintenance, then I recommend "Guide to Prayer: For Ministers and Other Servants."
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