"Great is Thy Faithfulness" - 8 November 2015 Morning and Evening

Sunday morning:

Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father; there is no shadow of turning with thee; thou changest not, thy compassions, they fail not; as thou hast been thou forever will be. Great is thy faithfulness! Great is thy faithfulness! Morning by morning new mercies I see; all I have needed thy hand hath provided; great is thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!

We call upon you to smile upon this your congregation that our hearts might be courageous in the ways of the LORD, and that our words, thoughts and actions would be governed by your Holy Word and Holy Spirit. Further, Lord, we ask you to help us to promote godly peace with those who are at odds with us, or despise us, not being overcome by evil, but overcoming evil with good (Romans 12.21).

For your Church throughout the world, including Brazilian Baptist Convention; the Baptist Bible Fellowship International; the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus; Batak Christian Protestant Church; the Presbyterian Community of Congo; Presbyterian Church of Cameroon; Korean Methodist Church; and Zion Christian Church. We pray: Shepherd your Church in the paths of righteousness for your name’s sake, that we shall not want, that we may lie down in green pastures and be refreshed by the still waters fearing no evil; and guided and corrected by your rod and staff (Psalm 23).

We remember those who are loaded down, laid up, and limping along….We ask you to look kindly on their needs, hurts, fears, pains, and treatments, and supply them with every good and perfect gift that will restore them and encourage their hearts so that they may rise up and give you thanks all the rest of their days.

We are grateful for those who have served and are presently serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. We implore you to watch over them, especially those still in harm’s way and those needing ongoing medical care. May they see your daily care in their lives as you preserve them. And may there be many in our land who will continue to be willing to rise up and defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

We cry out to you to intervene in the lives and hearts of those who have never repented of their sins and trusted in Jesus Christ for their salvation……

Guide our magistrates and leaders that they will make good decisions and pass just laws. We also desire to see you move among the nations of this world in ways that will cause peace, harmony, justice and prosperity to prevail in all nations for the good of all; that your Word may run swiftly and be glorified and your Church kept safe.


Sunday evening:

You are a God faithful to yourself, faithful to your word and faithful to your people. As the writer of Joshua put it more than once, “Not one word of all the good promises that the LORD had made to the house of Israel had failed; all came to pass” (Joshua 21.45). We rejoice in your fidelity and trustworthiness!

LORD, you promised to your disillusioned and fatigued people in Haggai 1, that you were with them, and then stirred the spirit of Zerubbabel, stirred the spirit of Joshua, and stirred the spirit of the remnant of your people arousing them to work on your house; come and stir the spirit of your people here and world over, to include Amber Mission Holiness Church; Beth Haven Baptist; Calvary Bible Fellowship; Grace Fellowship; Draper Park Christian; Grace Bible; Grace Covenant; and Northside Bible Church. May we all put our hands and hearts and heads to the roles you call each of us to play in your world rescue operation. O Lord, hear our prayer.

LORD, you promised that you would always be with us, and that you’d never leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13.6); therefore, give strength and stamina and stalwart faithfulness to your witnesses and martyrs who are bearing the heat of the day. May their tormentors and captors hear their words, see their fidelity and experience your amazing love through them, and turn to you through your Son Jesus Christ. O Lord, hear our prayer.

LORD, you promised that you would give ear to us as we pray in your Son’s name (John 15.7-8). We pray, then, with assurance, for those who are living in sin, living in rebellion to you, living in hard-hearted faithlessness…rouse their consciences, strip them of their false security, show them their terrible fate if they persist; and then draw them into your family that we and they may worship you with one voice and one heart. O Lord, hear our prayer.

LORD, you promised that we can cast our burdens on you (Psalm 55.22). We bear the burdens of our friends, family members and fellow Christians who are in the hospital, those recovering from surgeries, those staring into the face of death, those watching their family life unravel and shatter, those weeping over their children, those worried about their futures….Sustain them, O LORD, and do not let them be moved! O Lord, hear our prayer.


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