"There Is No God Like You" - 4 October 2015 AM and PM

Sunday Morning:

As Solomon once declared, there is no God like you in heaven above, or on earth below. You keep covenant with your people and show steadfast love to your servants who strive to walk before you with all their heart (1 Kings 8.23). Because of your great love with which you have loved us, we long to put away the old methods of being human which grow corrupt thru deceitful lusts, to be renewed in the spirit of our minds, and to walk fully in the new humanity, created in true righteousness and holiness (Ephesians 4.22-23). Help us, O our Father! 

For your Church world over, for The National Baptist Conventions; The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America; The National Primitive Baptist Convention; The Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod; The Cumberland Presbyterian Church; and the Free Methodist Church; Sustain our brotherhood in the world; fortifying those who face persecution; supply the needs of those who are lacking; protect those who are facing dangerous situations; and guide and lead all into richer and fuller faithfulness and sounder doctrine.

God of mercy, gracious Father, you have said you take no pleasure in the death of sinners, but that they should turn from their ways and live (Ezekiel 18.23); we pray for these…..stir them up to see their need, to see their sin in the glaring light of your holiness, to cry out to you for mercy, to find their life and hope in your Son Jesus Christ.

O great physician, as you healed the sick, gave strength to the lame, and set the oppressed free, we pray for you to raise up these who are afflicted and hurting…

For our country, our fellow residents, and our national leaders we pray; guide us in the ways of godliness, truthfulness, industriousness, graciousness, courteousness, and virtue for the good of all, and that your people in this land may lead quiet and peaceable lives in all godliness and reverence (1 Timothy 2.2).

Bring all the nations of the world to sensible level headedness, that peace, prosperity, healthiness and wholeness would win the upper hand; and human and drug trafficking, wickedness, and savagery might cease; so that all lands may enjoy peace, and your people flourish.


Sunday Evening:

We give thanks to you, O God; we give thanks, for your name is near. We recount your wondrous deeds. For not from the east or from the west and not from the wilderness comes lifting up, but it is you, O God, who executes judgment, putting down one and lifting up another (Psalm 75.1, 6-7).
Mighty God, our attentive Father; we thank you for our vocations – whether as students, tutors, employees, supervisors, managers, public relations, homemakers – thank you that you give us gainful employment and useful occupations. May we do all that we do seeing you even in our engagements, and to do them all for you. But some, Lord, may well be concerned about their job future with the oil downturn as it is. We implore your care for us, and ask even now that you would preserve us and help us to know that you know what we need better than we do, and long before we do. Our hope is in you, and knowing that we can depend on you, may we be unfazed and unalarmed. O Lord, hear our prayer.

We pray for your Church throughout the nations, including Holy Trinity Lutheran Church; North Church; Church of the Rock; Calvary Temple; Lord of Life Lutheran; and Stonegate Presbyterian Church; Lord God, bring them to the place where their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of your mystery, which is Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Colossians 2:2-3). O Lord, hear our prayer.

For Bobby Griffith and his work with the Capitol Bible Study, we ask that you would enhance and enrich that ministry. Thank you for the many Capitol employees who attend from all across the racial, economic and Christian spectrum. May it be that this weekly gathering around fellowship, prayer and your Word will build them up and aid them richly. O Lord, hear our prayer.

Thank you for the bit of rain this past week, and please continue providing all that we need. Be with the farmers and cattlemen in this State that they will have success in their endeavors, and so have plenty of water and seasonable weather that their cattle and crops will be bountiful. O Lord, hear our prayer.

Finally, we pray for the bleak, the weak, and the freaked … come to their aid to pick them up, lift their hearts, and raise their hopes. O Lord, hear our prayer.


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