"Draw Near to God..." - 10 May 2015 PM

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, who promises that as we draw near to you, you will draw near to us (James 4.8); we pray for your church throughout our country and the nations, that you would hold us up, shielding us from the assaults of the world, the flesh and the devil. Please give patient endurance to our brothers and sisters who are being hounded and harmed for the faith; may they resist the call to compromise, and by their words and life may they continue to give honor to you. O Lord, hear our prayer.

We call upon you to be with Highland Dr. Church of God; Church on the Rock; International Charismatic Victory Church; Liberty Worship Center; and Christ’s Christian Church. May they experience your grace in such powerful ways that they may cast off all self-made assurances, and boast only of you. O Lord, hear our prayer.

Please help this congregation as we seek to be faithful. Guide us in all our ways. Help us to be instrumental in drawing men, women, girls, boys and whole families to Christ and making them disciples of our Lord Jesus. O Lord, hear our prayer.

Holy God, on this day many are rejoicing in the mothers in their lives; but there are some who have dark memories, and others who have deep sadness. We are thankful for the mothers who have given care, comfort, courage and their very selves for the good of their children. For those whose experiences have been dark or violent, heal those memories, and where possible, bring restoration. And those who have deep sadness, lift their hearts and fill them with full-bodied satisfaction as they give themselves to you and your providential care. O Lord, hear our prayer.

We remember before you those who need to repent of their sins and embrace your Son in genuine faith; and those who have once declared their trust in Christ, but have wandered away….bring them to their senses that they may believe the truth and escape the snares of the devil. O Lord, hear our prayer.

 O Lord God, we seriously desire our country to flourish and to walk in liberty and justice for all, both the born and unborn. Please God, may it be so. We ask you to lead the nations of the world toward the things that make for real peace and wholesome prosperity. O Lord, hear our prayer.

Finally, give renewed hope and restored health to those who find they are in dire straits, along with these (esp. Blanchard and Bridge Creek)…. O Lord, hear our prayer. 


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