Congregational Prayer - 22 March 2015 PM

Our Father, you are our rock of safety and in you is no unrighteousness at all. Grant unto us the grace we desperately need, so as to withstand the temptations and avoid the infections of the world, the flesh and the devil, so that with pure heart, sound mind and holy delight we may serve you in perfect liberty all our days. O Lord, hear our prayer.

We remember those who are wrestling with and being wrestled down by, specific misfortunes, misadventures, and mishaps….may it please you to console and relieve them according to their particular needs; giving them enduring patience under their sufferings and a happy ending to all their afflictions.  O Lord, hear our prayer.

 With Your watchful, caring eye preserve our U.S. Military people and those from our congregation who are in other countries… O Lord, hear our prayer.

Please uphold our republic, as well as all other nations in our world, and direct the hearts and minds of all the leaders to do justly, love mercy and walk humbly before you in your ways of truth. We pray for this region, giving you thanks for the rains and snow falls of the last two months. Please continue to give to us the needful portions of rain so as to relieve the strain on our water supply, and to nourish the earth. O Lord, hear our prayer.

 O Lord, we pray for Your Church in all places, for this congregation, and for West Tenth St. Baptist Church; Western Ave Baptist; Westlawn Baptist; Westminster Road Baptist; and Wheatland Baptist Church; deliver us from the evil one, and help us to learn the secret of being content in whatever state we’re in, as well as to learn what it means that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. O Lord, hear our prayer.

 Lord, your Son taught us to love our enemies, and to pray for those who despitefully use us; please lead them and us from prejudice to truth; deliver them and us from hatred, cruelty, and revenge to faith, hope and love. And in your good time enable us all to stand reconciled before you through Jesus Christ our Lord. O Lord, hear our prayer.

 We plead for the salvation, transformation and rescue of those who have never believed in your Son and turned from their sins and also for the restoration of those who have strayed away from you... O Lord, hear our prayer.

 Finally, Lord, we thank you for your generous goodness to us. Thank you for this country in which we live, our families, our health, plentiful food, clothing, … and thank you that we can cast all our care on you for you care for us. 


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