Congregational Prayer - 15 February 2015 PM

O God, indestructible, indefatigable, indomitable; to you we come and hand over our burdened hearts into your watchful care on behalf of this world and your church.

We have so many things that have weighed us down with fear, worry, grief, and consternation. There’s sickness, trouble in our homes, difficulties at work, unsettledness in our world. We remember these who are wrestling with specific distresses…grant them and us courage, faith, graciousness, and appropriate restoration.  O Lord, hear our prayer.

Please uphold our U.S. Military people, esp. these….comfort and encourage their families during their deployments, and restore them to their families unhurt. Similarly, please hold in your safe keeping our peace officers, first responders, and emergency personnel. Preserve them from accidents, aggressors, ambushes and affronts. O Lord, hear our prayer.

We entreat you to look upon our country and all who are in authority; defend us from malevolent forces and elements that would bring our land into harm’s way. Likewise, look over the nations of our world, and for the good of your Church and wellbeing of all, we ask you to intervene so that peace and order would prevail where there is only conflict and anarchy; and cause justice and hope to reign in every land. O Lord, hear our prayer.

Father, who causes the sun to shine on the righteous and unrighteous, and brings rain to the just and unjust; please hear our pleas for plentiful rains, replenishing showers and restoring precipitation; and our appeals for a rapid reversal of this drought. O Lord, hear our prayer.

 O Lord, we pray for Your Church in all places, for this congregation during this time of decisions and direction-seeking; but also for Southern Temple Baptist Church; Southside Missionary Baptist; Southwest Baptist; Southwest Freewill Baptist; Spring Creek Baptist and Spring Creek Baptist Church; guide us by your truthful Scriptures and the Spirit of truth, while preserving us from evil, protecting us from error, and strengthening us to fulfill all that you command. O Lord, hear our prayer.

 Finally, we plead for the salvation, transformation and rescue of those who have never believed in your Son and turned from their sins…..and the restoration of those who have strayed away from you...And in this regard may your hand be with us as we prepare for the Mission trip to Carnegie in June, our Outreach VBS in July and our involvement with the Good News Festival in August. O Lord, hear our prayer.


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