Congregational Prayer - 18 January 2015 PM

O Lord God, as your servant Paul told Timothy, you desire us to pray, lifting up holy hands that are without anger or quarrelling (1 Timothy 2.8). And so we ask your aid to shore up our trust and to help us to come in peace: peace with you through Jesus Christ, and peace with others because of Jesus Christ. We come in the multitude of your mercies, in the name of Jesus and in the power of Your Holy Spirit.

We call upon you to aid and relieve those who are in pain and trouble, who need biological, economic and psychological healing….restore them, body and soul, and give them solid reasons to have hope in you when they feel all squeezed dry and irreparably ruined. O Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord God who gives life, in whose hand is the number of our days; on this Sanctity of Life Sunday we pray for those who are pregnant and afraid – worried about shame and fearful of the future; those who have just heard the news that they are expecting and find themselves pressured by parents or significant others to abort this pregnancy; Father, help them to find strength and comfort, bring them to see that what they are carrying is a human, is their child who bears your image. Surround them with those who will support them through this pregnancy. We also pray for those on the verge of suicide, and those at the far end of life who are tempted by euthanasia. Lord have mercy on them and draw them to your Son that they may know peace and hope. And we ask you to turn the hearts, minds, actions and reactions of the people of this land that we would all recognize that life is your gift. O Lord, hear our prayer.

We ask You to look upon our country, direct the actions and deliberations of all our leaders, especially the recently installed; point them in the direction of your truth and righteousness. Also, for the nations of our world, we pray you to contain the evil, restrain the foul and advance that which is best and most fair for the good of your Church and the wellbeing of all. O Lord, hear our prayer.

O our God, we pray for your Church in all places, Oklahoma Chinese Baptist Church; Olivet Baptist; Paradise Baptist; Peniel Baptist; Plainview Baptist; and Portland Ave Baptist Church: For your people who have embraced error whether in creed or deed, restore them. For those who are faithfully toiling in Christ’s cause, supply all of their needs, encourage them, and preserve them from the evil one.  O Lord, hear our prayer.

We pray for this congregation: may our love and faith toward the Lord Jesus and all the saints, be broadcast and publicized abroad; may the sharing of our faith become effective for the full knowledge of every good thing that is in us for the sake of Christ; and may we become a means of much joy and comfort making the hearts of the saints refreshed (Philemon v.6-7). O Lord, hear our prayer.

Finally, we implore your grace to refurbish the hearts and minds of those who have never believed in your Son…..and please recoup those who have strayed away from You...grant them all to embrace and hold fast to your Son Jesus Christ, to the unchangeable truth of your Word, and to the essential fellowship of your Church. O Lord, hear our prayer.


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