Prayer of Thanksgiving - For the God of Justice

Prayer of Thanksgiving – for the God of Justice
O LORD of hosts, you are exalted in justice; O Holy God, you show yourself holy in righteousness (Isaiah 5.16). You are the God of justice who waits to be gracious to your people; who exalts yourself in order to show mercy (Isaiah 30.18). You love justice and hate robbery and wrong (Isaiah 61.8). In you there is no dark side, no perverseness or peevishness (James 1.17). What you say is right is right. What you define as fair is fair. You execute justice for the oppressed, give food to the hungry, and set the prisoners free. You open the eyes of the blind, lift up those who are bowed down, and love the righteous.  You watch over the sojourners and uphold the widow and the fatherless, but the way of the wicked you bring to ruin (Psalm 146.7-9).

Therefore, you hate sin and the evil way; you are nauseated when people violate goodness to line their pocket, and when they crush the poor (James 5.1-6); when men, women, boys and girls fall in with the many to do evil, or bear witness in a lawsuit, siding with the many, so as to pervert justice; and when folks are partial to a poor man in his lawsuit (Exodus 23.2-3).

We thank you that you are this kind of God, and that you desire societies and communities to reflect your justice. We thank you that when you are elevated in people’s hearts, homes, governments and cultures, that fairness, rightness, and justice are elevated. We thank you that you care deeply when people have been molested and violated and their violators pay out hush money to cover up their deeds. We thank you that you give attention to courts, parliaments and national officers who misuse their positions to show favoritism to their promoters and pet projects. We thank you that you – God of justice – will have the final say in all things, for we will all stand before your judgment seat; for it is written, “As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God” (Romans 14.10-11).  And we thank you that you have shown your righteousness at the present time – through the death and resurrection of your Son, so that you might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus (Romans 3.23).

Glory to you, O God most high!

{I hope you find this prayer thought provoking. But more than that, I hope this prayer will enhance your relationship with God. If you use this prayer for something other than personal use, please give credit where credit is due. Thanks, Mike}


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