Congregational Prayer: 28 September 2014 PM

[If you find this set of prayers useful, or a portion beneficial, please use them. You have my full permission. Mike]
We give thanks to you, O God; we give thanks, for your name is near. We recount your wondrous deeds. At the set time that you appoint you will judge with equity. Even when the earth totters, and all its inhabitants, it is you who keep steady its pillars. Truly it is not from the east or from the west and not from the wilderness that there comes lifting up, but it is you, our God, who executes judgment, putting down one and lifting up another (Psalm 75.1-3, 6-7). Glory to you, O Lord God, the most high!

Lord Jesus, who took the woman that had the disabling spirit for 18 years, and set her free at your word, “Woman, you are freed from your disability;” who liberated that daughter of Abraham whom Satan had bound for eighteen years, loosening her from bondage on that Sabbath day (Luke 13.11-16); grant the same for those for whom we pray – those facing surgery; those dealing with the fearsome fright of cancer; those earnestly ailing and aching; those depressed and dark; those bound and debilitated. And please comfort and care for those who lost loved ones in Moore this past week. O Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord our God, when violence momentarily erupts in our businesses and schools it startles and frightens us; it angers and worries us. But it also reminds us how little violence there really is in this country. Thank you for the comparative safety and wellbeing we experience in this land. May this safety and well-being continue here for us, for our children and grandchildren for generations to come. And Lord God, reflecting on what you told your servant Isaiah, please forgive us for calling “conspiracy all that this people calls conspiracy,” for fearing and dreading what they fear. It is you, O LORD of hosts that we are to honor as holy. It is you who are to be our fear, you who are to be your dread (Isaiah 8.12-13). O Lord, hear our prayer.

Caring Father, compassionate God, we still need more rain here in Oklahoma, in West Texas, and all the way out to California. Oh God, redirect jet streams and weather patterns that our lands, crops, cattle, springs and aquifers may be replenished. O Lord, hear our prayer.

Mighty God, look on the international landscape; we pray on behalf of weeping mothers, suddenly-orphaned children, grieving fathers, and swiftly widowed men and women in war-ravaged lands! Dear God, have mercy and grant peace in our time, and may justice and righteousness prevail in all places. Relieve the suffering and the hunger seething in drought-stricken and famine-afflicted regions, as well as those being ravaged by pestilence. And open the doors that we may somehow be part of your cure.  O Lord, hear our prayer.

We beseech you on behalf of your church throughout the world, as well as Fortieth Street Baptist Church; Friendship Baptist Church; Garden Addition Baptist; God’s Chosen People Baptist; Good Shepherd Missionary Baptist Church: along with our Reformed University Fellowships at OSU; RUF at OU; RUF at Univ. Tulsa; “Give us life, and we will call upon your name! Restore us, O LORD God of hosts! Let your face shine, that we may be saved” (Psalm 80.18b-19)! O Lord, hear our prayer.


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