Congregational Prayer - 14 September 2014 PM

To you, O LORD our God, belong heaven, and the heaven of heavens, the earth and all that is in it. Yet you have set your heart in love on our forbearers and chosen us, their offspring in the faith. Help us to circumcise the foreskins of our hearts, throwing off all stubbornness toward you; for you, O LORD our God, are God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God, who is not partial and takes no bribe (Deuteronomy 10.14-17). O Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord Jesus, nothing can withstand your word of life! Just as you called out and raised Lazarus from the dead, even after he had been in the grave for four days (John 11); Speak health and life, Lord Jesus, to those for whom we pray – those lingering at the door of death, those with crushed hearts and souls, those with debilitating weaknesses, and those with body-and-mind shattering ailments. O Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord, our God, Lord of lords and King of kings, thanks be to you because you have blessed our beloved country with good and generous institutions of government. Preserve civil and religious liberty to us, to our children, and to our grandchildren unto a thousand generations. Give able and faithful rulers in offices high and low, and cause righteousness and peace to flourish in the land unto our welfare and your praise (Adapted from, “Reading the Psalms with Luther,” 238). O Lord, hear our prayer.

Again, Lord God, we cry out to you whose eyes are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good (Proverbs 15.3): see the evil being done throughout the nations in our days – evil against your people and others; evil inflicted in the name of religion; evil plotted and acted out on the unarmed and vulnerable; evil being advanced through adjudication and legislation; evil lurking in out-of-the-way places and out of sight-settings. O God see the evil, hear the groans and give heed to the silent whimpers; rise up and roust evil out. And Lord, grant us to be part of the remedy. O Lord, hear our prayer.

We beseech you on behalf of your church throughout the world, as well as Faith Works Baptist Church; Fifth Street Baptist; First Baptist on North Jackson Dr. and on North Robison Ave; and First Baptist of Bethany: along with our Reformed University Fellowships at SMU, TCU and Texas Tech; As our Lord Jesus fasted 40 days and fearlessly faced-down the Devil’s temptations, come now and furnish us with the same mindset that was in him against all evil and sin; grant us to so keep our hearts – out of which flow the springs of life (Proverbs 4.23) – in such godliness and holiness that we would always be ready to follow your Spirit’s directions, and resist the enticements and pressures of sin, Satan and society. O Lord, hear our prayer.


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