Congregational and Pastoral Prayer - 6 July 2014 AM and PM

There is no god in heaven above or earth beneath that humankind can fashion, concoct or construct, like you. You keep faith with your people, hear them when they call out to you, rescue them from the evil one, and give them strength and endurance beyond their normal capacities. Great are you O Lord, and majestic is your name!

Father, as priests serving in your Temple, we intercede on behalf of those who are finding life a hard row to hoe…; those whose marriages are strenuous and maybe cracking under the strain…; those whose bodies need to be healed and helped…; those who have recently given birth or are pregnant now…; those who feel fruitless, futile and forlorn…; Have mercy on them, lift up their faces that they may know your compassionate kindness, strengthen what is weak and wobbly, and fill them with undying hope.

Lord God, look on our congregation – your congregation. Fortify the faithful; firm up the faint; encourage the down hearted; reclaim the wayward; and restore the penitent. Grant us everything we need to foster greater closeness and richer friendship; and bring us to be of one heart and one mind in the fold of your Church.

We implore you to shower your aid, guidance and resilience upon the Presbyterian Church in America. As you well know, Father, we’re quite an assorted association. By your Holy Spirit bind us more closely together around your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord; bring us to have a valuable impact on our world through the Gospel ministry and mercy ministry; and steady us with a deep-rooted firmness that will remain standing securely in the face of the onrushing moral and spiritual tsunami of our nation so that you may be genuinely glorified and your Son be glorious honored.

O Eternal God, through whose mighty power our forbearers won their liberties of old: Grant that we (the folks of this church) and all the people of this land may have grace to maintain these liberties in righteousness and peace through Jesus Christ.

Almighty God, kindle in every heart the true love of peace, and guide with your wisdom those who take counsel for the nations of the earth, that in tranquility your dominion and reign may increase until the earth is filled with the knowledge of your love and the glory of your name.
O God, you are infinite, eternal, and unchangeable, in your being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth (Westminster Shorter Catechism # 4); look upon this nation with your favor, and restore to us, once again, the self-evident truth that our liberties are inalienable rights bestowed by you, our Creator; and by your aid, stir up our hearts to see how far we have strayed from your way of righteousness, that we may return to you (the Declaration of Independence). O Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord God, hear our prayer for your Church world-over; Bethlehem Primitive Baptist Church; Bethlehem Star Baptist Church; Beverly Hills Baptist; Bread of Life Baptist; and Britton Baptist; as well as our Denomination’s Chaplains – Thomas Eddy; Bill Manning; Brendon O'Dowd; Samuel Rico; Mark Winton; John Sackett; and Scott Cauble. In accord with your promise, let no weapon that is fashioned against them succeed, and in righteousness and charity may they refute every tongue that rises against them in judgment. And may they find that their heritage and their vindication are from you, LORD God. (Isaiah 54.17). O Lord, hear our prayer.

Our Father, we pray for Txxxx as she works and toils with the brothers and sisters of Sacred Road ministry, and with the kids she works with. Help her and the others to gain the trust of the kids, and their hearing. Keep her healthy and safe, and conduct her with godly wisdom that she will be able to guide those kids to Christ, and escort them through resolving conflicts. May her work result in far more good than she can imagine or dream. O Lord, hear our prayer.

Finally, O God, knowing that you understand us far better than we do ourselves, and that you comprehend our unspoken worries, fears and anxieties far better than we can openly express, hear the groanings of our hearts…have mercy on us, dear God; help us; answer us for your Name’s sake. O Lord, hear our prayer.


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