Congregational and Pastoral Prayer: 13 July 2014 PM

Great is the Lord, for his steadfast love endures forever! Lord God, we have prayed for rain – and you have plentifully poured your answer on us; great is the Lord, for his steadfast love endures forever! We have lifted our voices and hearts to you on behalf of Bxxxx Dxxxxx – and now she no longer needs further treatment for the cancer; great is the Lord, for his steadfast love endures forever! We have cried out to you on behalf of little baby Kxxxx Dxxxxxx – and she is gaining strength and growing healthy; great is the Lord, for his steadfast love endures forever! And we have sought your protection for the teens who went to RYM and they have returned safe – great is the Lord, for his steadfast love endures forever! Thank you, O our God!

As Isaiah your spokesman once said, “The LORD has bared his holy arm before the eyes of all the nations, and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God” (Isaiah 52.10). Show forth your strength on behalf of your people, and in defense of those who are oppressed, unjustly broken down and beaten up. Build up peace, prosperity and lawfulness among the nations that all may know you are God the Almighty, All-caring, All-knowing, all-sovereign, and give you praise.   O Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord God, hear our prayer for your Church world-over; including Brookwood Baptist Church; Bryant Ave Baptist Church; Calvary Baptist Tabernacle; Calvary Missionary Baptist Church; and Camille Ave Baptist Church; as well as our Denomination’s Chaplains – Ron Eastes; Chris Reeder; Jack Unangst; Cristiano DeSousa; Chang Kim; Geun Lee; and Jason Hill. May they be filled with your power, with the Spirit of the LORD, and with justice and might, to declare to Jacob his transgression and to Israel his sin (Micah 3.8). And guide them to do what you have required by doing justice, loving mercy and walking humbly with you our God (Micah 6.8). O Lord, hear our prayer.

Lord Jesus, you have told us to pray for workers to go forth into the harvest; look upon this congregation and raise up more laborers from our own midst. Look upon our men and boys that from their number you might shape and mold deacons, pastors, elders, Sunday School teachers and missionaries aplenty. Look upon these women and girls that you might lead and frame them to be mothers in Israel like Deborah, godly wives and mothers of church leaders like Lois and Eunice – Timothy’s Grandmother and mother, Bible translators, teachers, co-laborers with Gospel ministers – like Euodia and Syntyche who labored with Paul. Yes Jesus, raise up more laborers from our midst. O Lord, hear our prayer.

Finally, O God, knowing that you fathom us far better than we do ourselves, and that you grasp our unspoken worries, fears and anxieties far better than we can express with our lips, hear the groanings of our hearts…have mercy on us, dear God; help us; answer us for your Name’s sake. O Lord, hear our prayer.


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