Morning and Evening Prayer: 1 June 2014

{You have my delighted permission to use these in you personal prayer time, with your church, or in your Bible Study groups. Mike}

Sunday Morning Prayer:

Lord Jesus Christ, as you are our Prophet, Priest and King, we pray: as our Prophet, reveal to us, intimately, richly, and soundly – by your Word and Spirit – the will of God for our salvation. As our Priest, you have once for all offered yourself up for us as a sacrifice to satisfy divine love and justice, continue to make continual intercession for us. And as our King, please subdue us to yourself, rule and defend us, and restrain and conquer all your and our enemies.

Lord Jesus; thank you for Exxxx’s time in Haiti and her safe return. Be with Txxxx and Mxxxx and preserve them from unsafe situations, unkind bacteria, and unfriendly folks. You who open doors that no one can shut, open doors for them that they may show your love, as well as tell your good news; and cause your work to prosper in their hand.

O Father, Grant our nation good leaders who will care more about liberty and justice for all than about their own fame, or their own party. And shape and fashion the people of this country to be good citizens who care more for liberty and justice for all than they do for their own personal peace, affluence, privilege, or entitlements.

We pray for those around this world who are being exploited; kidnapped; abused; and marketed. Have mercy on them, rescue them, and put a stop to these acts of violence. And give us strength, perception and help to be part of your remedy that as we have opportunity we may do good to all, especially the household of faith (Galatians 6.10).

Watch over those who are in the military (Jxxx's and Cxxx’s daughter, Exxxxxx) and protect and shield them, body and soul. We thank you for hearing our prayers for Sgt Bowe Bergdahl and are grateful for his release: Now, Lord, bless his recovery – body and soul. Be with our Law Enforcers giving them success in fighting evil, and pleasure in preserving peace. Keep our firefighters from harm, safeguard our emergency medical responders – whether in the air or on the roads, and strengthen those who work exhaustively in our emergency rooms.

Give courage, recovery and strength to those who are sick and sore, beat and broken – whether in mind or body….

We pray for those who have left the faith of Christ, or those who have never found Jesus to be their all-in-all…draw them to your Son Jesus Christ, that he may raise them up on the last day (John 6.44).

All of these prayers we offer to you in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Sunday Evening Prayer:

We pray on behalf of your Church world-over; this congregation; Gateway Tabernacle; Maranatha AOG; Mt. Zion Worship Center; Spring Creek AOG; Bethany 1st AOG; Bethesda AOG; as well as our Chaplains – Capt Will Anderson; LCDR David Todd; Lt Ben Shear; Maj Terry Fox; Capt Jonathan Secrest; Civ. Ch. Douglas Perkins; and Capt Garland Mason. O Father, who, 40 days after you raised your Son from the dead, exalted him in his ascension into heaven. There the Son of Man came in the clouds to the Ancient of Days to receive a dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve him; you guaranteed that his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom one that shall not be destroyed (Daniel 7.13-14). You have exalted our human nature in this act; and now you have raised us together with him in the heavenly places (Ephesians 2.6). By your Spirit’s aid, help us to seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at your right hand; to set our minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For we have died, and our life is hidden with Christ, and when Christ who is our life appears, then we also will appear with him in glory. O Lord, hear our prayer.

We pray for unbelievers all around us – those who play on our playground; those (hopefully) who will be coming to our VBS; those who are near and dear to us; and those who are hateful and hostile toward us…O Lord, open our lips that we may declare your praise! We have learned how to use “Two Ways to Live,” “Evangelism Explosion,” “Four Spiritual Laws,” and other evangelism approaches. Now, Lord, give us caring courage to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ and please bless our words that those whom we talk to will embrace Jesus Christ freely offered in the Gospel. O Lord, hear our prayer.

Holy God, take the nations in hand – and grab the steering wheel of our own country too. Lead, guide, direct, and pilot us, one and all, that peace, safety, prosperity, and justice will grow and blossom world over. O Lord, hear our prayer.

Finally, Lord God, you who are our restorer of wholeness, who holds our lives in your hands; be with those who are in need and in hurt….That they may find your healing, refreshment and restoration. O Lord, hear our prayer.


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