Pastoral Prayer: 4 May 2014 PM

Adoration and Intercession: Lord God, our refuge, our hiding place in the storm, our mighty Savior triumphant over your and our foes; we give thanks to you, and declare that your steadfast love endures forever!

Mighty Ruler and only real Potentate; king of kings and Lord of lords (1Timothy 6.15); who elevates nations and empires, to employ them for your purposes, and topples them when they have soured and sunk into sin: we pray for our country that you would preserve us – but not in our sin. Preserve us as a nation of justice and righteousness – even if it’s only a civil righteousness! Grant us to see our self-destructive ways with honesty and clarity, and to turn from them – just as you did Nineveh at the preaching of Jonah. “Shall not the Judge of all the earth do what is just” (Genesis 18.25)? O Lord, hear our prayer.

We pray on behalf of your Church world-over; this congregation; Westmoore Community Church; Wheatland Methodist Church; Wildewood Christian Church, Word of God Church, Zion Lutheran Church; Zion’s Hill International Church; as well as our Chaplains – Lt. Daniel Chung; Maj. Paul Berghaus; Lt. John Craig; and Col. Paul Sniffin. Help us to wait on you, and as we wait on you renew our strength; cause us to mount up with wings like eagles; make us to run and not be weary; to walk and not faint (Isaiah 40.31). O Lord, hear our prayer.

We implore you to be with Christian leaders – pastors, evangelists, elders, Bishops, priests, theologians, Bible teachers, and seminary professors all over this round world. May none of us be like the prophets Ezekiel spoke against, those who prophesy from their own hearts; foolish prophets who follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing! Who are like jackals among ruins, seeing false visions and lying divinations; that mislead your people, saying, ‘Peace,’ when there is no peace; who dishearten the righteous, but encourage the wicked (Ezekiel 13). O dear God, guide in truth and righteousness all Christian leaders. O Lord, hear our prayer.

Finally, we pray again for Sgt Bowe Bergdahl, captive of the Taliban in Afghanistan. Continue to preserve him – body and soul. Arouse the Department of Defense and the State Department to do their dead-level best to bring about his release. Comfort and fortify his family. O Lord, hear our prayer.

All of these prayers we offer through Your Son, Jesus Christ, as we now sing:


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