Pastoral Prayer - Morning and Evening (6 April 2014)

{These are the prayers for 6 April 2014 used in both the morning and evening worship assembly at Heritage Presbyterian Church (PCA), Edmond OK. I present them to you for your own devotional use. Please let me know if you find these useful at all. Mike}
Morning Prayer:
(Pondering Psalm 23:1-3) O YHVH, you are our shepherd, therefore we lack nothing. You guide us to lie down in green pastures for rest and refreshment; you bring us to settle beside living waters to slake our thirst, to drink deeply of the One who is the fountain of living waters; you are the one who alone restores and refurbishes our soul. You steer us in paths of righteousness for your own name’s sake. For your constant care, ready refreshment and sovereign steering we lift our voices to you in thankfulness and joy-filled praise!

(Pondering Psalm 23.4) Some of your loved ones, your little lambs, Lord, are finding that your path of righteousness is presently taking them through the valley of the shadow of death. Whether it’s rocky marriages, failing health, fiscal fiascos, vocational volatility, inner angst – we remember the family and friends the young Scarberry girl; John J. – or those little lambs subject to actual oppression, bullying and torment for the name of Christ: we pray that you would shore up their hearts to fear no evil; that your hand would be with them that they may know, undeniably, that you are present with them; that your rod and staff would protect them, guide them, and be a comfort to them.

We further ask for your care, protection and governance in the lives of all U.S. sailors, soldiers, marines and airmen, especially those in unfavorable places and living under adverse conditions. Similarly we pray for the health and safety of our local police officers, sheriff’s deputies, firefighters and emergency responders. And, O Lord our Ruler, help this nation to have governmental leaders who will work hard to strengthen the cause of liberty and justice for all – whether the “all” are freeborn, foreign born or unborn. Guide the citizens of this land to thrive in honesty, integrity and civility.

(Pondering Psalm 23.5-6) Lord Jesus, you have fed us at this table that you have prepared, anointed our heads with the oil of gladness, filled our cups brimming over – and all before the face of our enemies – sin, society and Satan. But there are some here who are not so sure that you really love them, who are doubting whether your tov vachesed, goodness and mercy, will hound their steps; there are some who find that the knees of their faith have gone all wobbly and wonky, some who are in desperate need of your muscular assurance. Lord Jesus, give them unshakable proof that your goodness and steadfast love will pursue them until they come to dwell in your house forever. Having been justified and adopted, and growing in sanctification, please give them a more robust assurance of the Father's love, give them peace of conscience, give them joy in the Holy Ghost, give them increase of grace, and give them perseverance therein to the end.
Evening Prayer:
Lord God, you are the first and the last, the beginning and the end. You form light and create darkness, you make well-being and create calamity, you are the LORD who does all these things (Isaiah 45.7). O LORD, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand (64.8). Knowing that things don’t happen to us by brute chance; nor that evil or the evil one has power equal to yours, but that you rule over, and at times over rule, the events and episodes of our lives; we give you thanks, and ask for the undying confidence to entrust ourselves into your keeping all of our days. O Lord, hear our prayer.

O Christ our God, we pray for your church in all places; for this congregation; Southside Trinity Holiness Church; Southwest Baptist Church; Spring Creek Assembly of God; Sunset Heights Baptist; Trinity Church of the Nazarene; all the congregations of the Southern Baptist Church; Assemblies of God; Church of the Nazarene; Anglican Communion of North America. O God of glory, fill your church with the power of the new creation that flows from Christ’s resurrection, that in the midst of a shattered, sinful, severe world, she will be the clear, sober signal of new-made humankind, and of the new heavens and new earth. And Lord Jesus, as you appeared to take away sin and to destroy the work of the devil; please take away the sin of your church, and destroy the works of the devil that seek to corrupt her. O Lord, hear our prayer.

Holy Father, because you raised Jesus up, loosing the pangs of death – since it was not possible for Christ to be held by death (Acts 2.24) – we can now be freed from death-dealing and diabolical addictions and obsessions. We pray for those who are caged in by their dependencies, proclivities (even the violent, destructive proclivities), and appetites…show them the power you worked at the resurrection of your Son, set them thoroughly free, and transform them through-and-through. O Lord, hear our prayer.

O our God, you see how the vicious effects of Adam’s fall – as well as our own sin – wreaks havoc on creation and our own creatureliness, we beseech you: graciously restore the bodies, dreams, hopes, and psyches of those who are diseased, desperate, and disconsolate … O Lord, hear our prayer.

Finally, Lord Jesus, Lord of lords and King of kings, show all nations, including our own country, that you are the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of kings on earth. Break the teeth of the young lions who would seek to devour your people like bread. Cut off all flattering lips, the tongue that makes great boasts, those who say, "With our tongue we will prevail, our lips are with us; who is master over us”” (Psalm 12.3-4)?
 O Lord, hear our prayer.

All of these prayers we offer through Your Son, Jesus Christ, as we now sing:
Hear our prayer, O Lord;
hear our prayer, O Lord.
Incline Thine ear to us,
and grant us Thy peace (TH # 728).


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