Pastoral/Congregational Prayer - Evening Service 5 May 2013

As Paul describes the whole-armor of God we’re to put on; he ends with this last piece of equipment - “praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints” (Ephesians 6.18).

Let us pray:

Lord God, who set up Pharaoh to show your glory, who made proud Nebuchadnezzar a humble man that declared your sovereignty, who raised up pagan Cyrus to become the shepherd and protector of your church under the Old Covenant: we heartily affirm that in your hands the kings heart is like a stream of water, and you turn it wherever you will: Therefore we pray passionately and from a deep love for our country, that you would take notice of the ragings, rantings and ruses of the rulers of our time; diffuse their secularist schemes intended to hush up your people; deflate their plots to undermine the goodly heritage of liberty and godliness handed down by our forbearers; and redirect their energies and strategies toward rebuilding a righteous morality in this land, where God-given liberties are secured and godliness defended, so that our children and grandchildren may thrive, and always give you thanks for your intervention and providential supervision.  Lord, hear our prayer.

Mighty God, whose right hand and holy arm have gained you the victory: watch over and straighten out our world, turning the tumultuous conditions in North and South Korea, Syria, Afghanistan, Egypt, North Africa, Mexico; and the streets of many places in America, around so that peace, justice and order may succeed. Lord, hear our prayer.

Father, whose eyes run too and fro throughout the whole earth, to show yourself strong on behalf of those whose hearts are loyal to you: we pray for the homes and families who live west of us, on Coles Rd., Wilson, Pranter Lane, Chickasaw dr., Apache, Osage, Kiowa, Choctaw, Arapaho and the other streets in between. Prepare their hearts and ears, and then grant us divine appointments that we may talk with them about your Son, Jesus Christ, and the great joyful hope we have in him, and become a part of them becoming disciples. Lord, hear our prayer.

LORD God, whose Son Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life; grant us to walk in his way, to rejoice in his truth, and to radiate the glory of his life so that friends, family and foes will ask us for a reason of the hope that is in us; and help us to answer them with gentleness and respect. Lord, hear our prayer.

Holy God, who gives and sustains health and wholeness, we pray for those in our church fellowship, our friends and our family who are weighed down by the loss of their loved ones; harassed by multiple encumbrances; hampered by the pains of aging; and those with other enfeeblements ….Restore, refresh and hearten them that they may spend the rest of their days joyfully serving you. Lord, hear our prayer.

All of these prayers we offer through Your Son, Jesus Christ, as we now sing:
Hear our prayer, O Lord, hear our prayer, O Lord; Incline Thine ear to us, & grant us Thy peace. Amen. Trinity Hymnal #728



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