Prayer of Congregational Leadership

{This is a prayer I have used for years as I have prayed for myself and the elders in the churches I have pastored. It's a borrowed prayer that I have tightened up a bit. Maybe it will be useful for you and your congregational leadership}

O Lord Jesus Christ, who did come to seek and save that which was lost, and has committed to us the ministry of reconciliation; give us {...mention yourself, and the names of fellow elders and pastors...} a discerning spirit to judge and advise aright. Grant that we may never make sad the hearts that you would not have saddened, nor heal slightly the hurts of your people, speaking peace, peace, where there is no peace; but may faithfully and lovingly, firmly and considerately lead those who seek our help in the paths of truth and peace, for your mercies' sake. Amen.

{from "Prayers for Pastor and People", p. 161}




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