Rosaria Butterfield

Recently a woman, Rosaria Butterfield, has come to the surface. She was a Lesbian, who was also a Radical tenured professor. She has since left that lifestyle, embracing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Below are two video's from a recent presentation.

I think that Rosaria has some very good observations and insights. As the issue of homosexuality continues to push itself to the forefront of our social and ecclesial consciousness, it seems to me that Rosaria's insights and experiences will be beneficial.

The 1st video is her speech (35 minutes):

The 2nd video is the Q and A session (1 hour 23 minutes - the audio quality declines at about 24 minutes into it, but still hearable):

I think there's quite a bit here to encourage, and guide us in beefing up godly (Gospel) strategies.



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