Election Prayer 2012 [#1]
As election day 2012 approaches fast and furious, in the midst of storms and consternation, I am going to post a non-partisan prayer-a-day through Tuesday of next week. They will be lifted and adapted from various sources, which will be noted. I hope you will return daily and join me and others as we pray for our country.
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
Almighty God, who holds us to account for the use of all
our powers and privileges: Guide, we
pray, the people of these United States of America in the election of their
rulers and representatives; that by wise legislations and faithful administration
the rights of all, free-born, foreign born and unborn, may be protected, and
our nation be enabled to fulfill your purposes; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
(Adapted and modified from The Book of Common Worship-1946)