
"Our Refuge and Strength..." - 23 March 2025

  God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1). O Lord God, who rules in heaven and on earth, who directs orbits and oceans, governs harvests and hailstorms, directs plagues and pestilence, who fashions the hearts of all people and observes all their deeds (Psalm 33:15); through your Son, Jesus Christ, you reconciled to yourself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace through the blood of his cross (Colossians 1:20). Attend to our prayers as we seek your face and intercede on behalf of your Church and world. For your church all around this globe, and around the OKC area, such as: Greater Antioch  Full Gospel Baptist, Greater Fellowship Baptist, Greater Marshall Baptist, and Great Mt. Carmel Baptist churches, we pray. Guide her leaders, heal her divisions, reclaim her waywardness, right her wrongs, mend her brokenness, strengthen her weaknesses, and fortify her fidelity. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in troub...

"My First 123 Book of Bible Numbers" - a Review.

  “My First 123 Book of Bible Numbers: Big Sums for Little Thumbs” is a simple, colorful, readable, fun little book of numbers. It is authored by Jonathan Gibson and illustrated by Michael Mullan. Each installment in the book has the main number, and then a related Bible detail, with multicolored graphic. Then there are questions to help the kids to go to the picture, hunt down that number and count. For example, the number 1, “There is only 1 God who made the universe and everything in it.” Then it asks, “Can you find: 1 moon? 1 star? 1 mountain?” and they go back to the creation picture and find the “1” items.   When our kids were little, we found such books where the kids had to hunt and search really kept them engaged. And it opened up all kinds of little Dad and kid talks about some aspect of our faith. That’s the style of “My First 123 Book of Bible Numbers: Big Sums for Little Thumbs.”   The whole book opens with a theme from Psalm 139:17–18, “How precious ...

Look, O Good Shepherd..." - 16 March 2025

  We worship you for there is none like you, O God, who rides through the heavens to our help, through the skies in your majesty. You, O eternal God, are our dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms (Deuteronomy 33:26-27). It is to you we pray. Look, O Good Shepherd, with compassion on your one flock all around the world, and around the OKC area to include: Followers of Christ Baptist Church, Friendship, Galilee and Graceway Baptist Churches. With rod and staff, comfort the people of your pasture and the sheep of your hand. Seek out your sheep and rescue them from all places where they have been scattered on a day of clouds and thick darkness. Seek the lost, bring back the strayed, bind up the injured, and strengthen the weak (Ezekiel 34:12, 16). Look, O Good Shepherd, with compassion upon this part of your one flock, Heritage Presbyterian Church. Bring us to dwell securely; to be a more fruitful extension of your promise to Abraham that through his offspring all the...

:O LORD, Our Redeemer..." - 9 March 2025

  O LORD, our Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: you are the LORD our God, who teaches us to profit, who leads us in the way we should go (Isaiah 48:17); to you we pray. You who have called your people; you who are the first and the last, the beginning and the end (Isaiah 48:12); we pray for your universal Church and these churches in the larger OKC area: Fifth Street Baptist, First Baptist of Bethany, First Free Will Baptist, and First Indian Baptist Church. May your people press on to know you, and may they find you coming to them as the dawn, as the showers and spring rains that water the earth. Help all your people to sow righteousness, to reap steadfast love, to break up their fallow ground, to seek you so that you will come and rain righteousness on them. And by your restraining hand and truth-guiding Spirit, may they not plow iniquity, reap injustice, or eat the fruit of lies by trusting in their own way, in the multitude of their own strength (Hosea 6:3; 10:12-13). For us th...

"You Who Tend Your Flock..." - 2 March 2025

  (Artwork by Nigel Eaton on Pinterest) You who tend your flock like a shepherd; who gather the lambs in your arms; who carry them in your bosom, and gently lead those that are with young (Isaiah 40:11); we trustingly present our entreaties and appeals to you, confident that what we ask faithfully, you will give effectively because you have assured us that if we ask in your name you hear and answer us. Look lovingly and tenderly on your global Church, this congregation, First Baptist Del City, Fairview, Faith Memorial, and Fellowship Baptist Church. Restore her life and lead her in paths of righteousness for your name’s sake. Take her lack and fill it lavishly. Guide her shepherds so that they will be shepherds after your own heart who will feed your people with knowledge and understanding (Jeremiah 3:15). Further, we lift up Dan and Carol Iverson in Japan, imploring your continued care for them financially, physically, and faithfully. Watch over and build up agencies like Bapt...

"Restore Us, O LORD God of Hosts..." - 23 February 2025

  Give us life, and we will call upon your name! Restore us, O LORD God of hosts! Let your face shine, that we may be saved (Psalm 80:18b-19)! Turn again, O God of hosts! Look down from heaven, and see; have regard for this (Psalm 80:14) your Church in all nations, for Heritage PCA, for Eastern Ave Baptist, Eastwood, Emmanuel, and Everlasting Life Baptist Church. Turn to us and be gracious to us; give your strength to your servants and save the sons and daughters of your maidservant. Show us a sign of your favor that those who hate us may see and be put to shame because you, O LORD, have helped us and comforted us (Psalm 86:16-17). Restore us, O LORD God of hosts! Let your face shine, that we may be saved! Consider, O God, those who do not know you or have broken faith with you (…). Change their hearts that they may confess Jesus as Lord and believe in their hearts you raised him from the dead, so that they may come to join with us in worshiping and serving you; Restore us, O LO...

"Counseling the Conspiracy Theorist" by Daniel Szczesniak.

[I'm very grateful for this article published by the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors  on 20 February 2025. Below is the beginning of the article. To read the rest follow the link at the bottom] Counseling the Conspiracy Theorist How does Scripture speak to the nature of conspiracy theories? Daniel Szczesniak There’s something about conspiracy theories that attracts us. The deep state, Russiagate, birther, Epstein, QAnon, and the New World Order are terms that have entered the public consciousness over the past few years. The grassy knoll, flat earth, chemtrails, and the moon landing have been popular subjects for years. There are endless debates about vaccines, voter fraud, the pandemic, and no doubt there will be many still to come about the recent Pennsylvania assassination attempt. Such theories capture our imagination while attempting to explain the inexplicable. In doing so, they provide structure to the chaos of the world around us. As Christians, we love to seek...